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January 26, 2016

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XXVth World Road Congress Seoul 2015

XXVth World Road Congress Seoul 2015: a great success 

XXVth World Road Congress Seoul 2015: a great success

The XXVth World Road Congress was held in Seoul (South Korea) from 2 to 6 November 2015, gathering 2 700 delegates and approximately 200 exhibitors. The Congress highlights and the General Report will be presented in the Routes/Roads issue of January and April 2016...

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COP 21: the LC2RT initiative by PIARC 

On the occasion of the COP 21 climate conference held in Paris, PIARC has launched the LC2RT initiative (Low Carbon Road & Road Transport) with the following aims:

  • adaptation of the road infrastructure and increasing the resiliency of the road transport system to climate change, in various economic and climate conditions;
  • reduction of the carbon footprint of the road transport system (infrastructure, operation, organisation) and establishment of reduction goals to measure and report progress;
  • mitigation of the negative impacts of road transport on climate change; and
  • sustainability of road construction, operation, rehabilitation, and maintenance.
COP 21 à Paris en 2015
Strategic Plan 2016-2019 - World Road Association

Strategic Plan for the 2016-2019 cycle 

At its meeting held before the Seoul Congress, the PIARC Council endorsed the new Strategic Plan which will govern the activities of the Association for the 2016-2019 period.

The new features include a fifth Strategic Theme on environmental issues, and the creation of regional groups on specific topics.


Two New National Committees 

PIARC has recently welcome two new National Committees, in Mongolia and in the Dominican Republic. The coming issues of Routes/Roads will include an article presenting the two Committees.

Mongolian Road Association 

Comité National Association Mongole de la Route




On the occasion of the Seoul Congress, three electronic manuals (whether new or fully restructured) were launched on the PIARC website. These are: the Road Safety Manual; the RNO and ITS Manual; and the Road Tunnels Manual.

Road Safety Manual 

Road Safety Manual - World Road Association

Road Tunnels Manual 

Road Tunnels Manual - World Road Association

RNO/ITS Manual 

Road Network Operations and Intelligent Transport Systems - World Road Association
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