I am pleased to present the April edition of the "Newsletter" of the World Road Association (PIARC). With Marina Domingo Monsonís, our new Communications Advisor, we redesigned its format for easier and faster reading. Our Newsletter is complementary to the Association's other communication media, https://www.piarc.org/en/, the Routes/Roads magazine, and our targeted mailings, which I suggest that you consult regularly.
In this edition, we mention, among others, two recent reports, among the 40 which we produced in the 2012-2015 work cycle. These reports are available free of charge and are the result of the work of the Technical Committees of the Association, which involve over 1,000 international experts. A big thank you to them.
Finally, please know that the General Secretariat of PIARC is at your disposal for any possible joint project. Do not hesitate and contact us at info@piarc.org.
Montreal (Canada), 2 - 5 April 2017
The purpose of this reception, coordinated by the PIARC-Québec Committee in collaboration with the General Directorate of Major Road Projects, was to deepen the work carried out successfully during the previous work cycles in the field of "Road Tunnel Operations", in particular the updating of the Road Tunnel Manual and data on the sustainable use of tunnels, as well as in the optimization of the safety and security of underground road networks...
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Madrid (Spain), 6 April 2017
During the event, more than 150 professionals and technicians from all over the world had the opportunity to exchange best practices and recommendations on the design, implementation and quality control of these materials dedicated to the reinforcement of concrete bridges...
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Issue N° 372 dedicated to Governance of Multi-Modal Transport covers seven contributions from Australia, Austria, France, Hungary, Spain and Sweden.
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This report has tried to summarize the knowledge of Climate Change Considerations in Winter Operations.
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This report describes the research and findings about the frameworks for public sector road freight transport management (RFTM).
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PIARC Events
International Workshop "Disaster Management for Roads" - PIARC Workshop CT E.3
PIARC will be there