Dear readers,
The preparation of the next World Road Congress, to be held in Abu Dhabi from 6 to 10 October 2019, is on a very good track. This is one of the very positive observations of the "mid-term meeting" organized by the World Road Association (PIARC) in Rome in early December, at the invitation of the Italian National Committee, chaired by Mr. Gianni Armani. PIARC aims to disseminate knowledge on all topics related to road and road transport through the technical reports that are prepared by its 1,200 experts regrouped in 22 Committees. Their work is structured in a four-year work cycle. The current cycle covers the period 2016 - 2019...
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Patrick Malléjacq
(Secretary General)
Montreal (Canada), 29 October-2 November 2017
The meetings of the B.1 Technical Committee served as opportunities for members to talk about improvements in capacity, reliability, safety and energy economy, as well as the use of new traffic technologies and applications of a cost/efficiency ratio, either by interfacing with other modes or by using technical interface specifications. The B.1. Technical Committee also looked at big data and its applications in the transport sector.
>> To know more about PIARC TC B.1 - Road Network Operations/Intelligent Transportation Systems
Save the date! International Seminar "Current global approaches on the design, construction and operation of road tunnels"
Bogota (Colombia), February 28 - March 02, 2018
The Colombian program to build over 8,000 km of highways in this hilly country will result in the construction of over 150 new tunnels. PIARC will organize a seminar to analyse the operation aspects which should be considered from the design phase to offer an efficient, safe and sustainable tunnel operation. Experts from all over the world will meet to share best practices.
>> Further information later on the site
San Jose (Costa Rica), April 18-20, 2018
Costa Rica is a country highly committed to the environment, they are aware of the relevance of issues as Climate Change, vulnerability and preservation of the ecosystems, sustainable energy and the social impacts on the population. Therefore, they are gathering with Technical Committee E2 to organize the International Seminar: Environment Considerations in Road Projects and Operations to be celebrated in San Jose city 18 - 20 April 2018.
>> Further information
Beijing (China), April 25-27, 2018
The primary objective of the seminar is to exchange information on the establishment of tools to measure the performance of transport administrations and best practice for good governance.
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The report provides brief summaries of projects from around the world, presented in the form of use cases that are representative of innovative ways of collecting, distributing, and making use of mobile data [...]
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In terms of sustainable development, the current situation in the field of infrastructure varies greatly from one country to another. Certain countries have laid down regulations; a few have set objectives to be achieved, while others have no regulations at all. [...]
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Climate change has now become a global issue of concern and it is for this reason that PIARC has incorporated it into the strategic themes and technical committees for the term 2012-2015. [...]
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PIARC Events
PIARC will be there
January 07-11, 2018
Washington (USA)