Dear readers,
As the International Winter Road Congress draws near, the whole team is getting ready to welcome you to Gdansk from 20 to 23 February. The 15th Congress looks set to get off to an excellent start. Many people have registered, there will be 11 national halls and 21 teams will be taking part in the International Snowplough Competition. The Congress will feature 38 technical sessions, 5 poster sessions and numerous friendly meetings organised by our Polish hosts... and will be an excellent opportunity to talk to both experts and practitioners. Visit https://aipcrgdansk2018.exposupport.pl/en-us/buy-ticket if you have not already signed up!..
>> Further information
Patrick Malléjacq
Secretary General
Tokyo (Japan), 30 October - 2 November 2017 30 international experts attended this meeting during which progress was made on the following issues in particular: updating the Asset Management electronic manual; the content of the training programme on asset management to offer to universities and engineering schools; conducting an inventory of innovative approaches to asset management across the world. Within the framework of the 32nd Conference on Japanese Roads, the D.1 Technical committee provided an overview of several countries' experiences in road asset management..
>> Find out more about the D.1 technical committee - Asset management
Havana (Cuba), 8 - 10 November 2017 Organised by the World Road Association's A.3 "Risk management", E.1 "Adaptation strategies/resilience" and E.3 "Disaster management" technical committees in coordination with Cuba's Ministry for construction, the seminar was attended by international experts who discussed and analysed new technologies and new management systems for road construction, mainly in the areas of risk management, safety and climate change.
>> Further information
Save the date: "5th European Forum for road tunnel safety officers"
Madrid (Spain), 16-18 May 2018 A twice-yearly two-day event organised by the World Road Association (and other organisations) which features workshops, visits and conferences. The theme of the Madrid seminar - attended by European experts - will be "From historical events to future trends: reviewing aspects of the role of the TSO, sharing examples of best practice and lessons learned".
>> More information will be published on the website
Madrid (Spain), October 2018 Co-organised by the World Road Association's national Spanish committee, the theme of the symposium's 2018 edition will be "Towards a circular economy". The call for proposals is open until 15 February 2018.
>> Further information (in Spanish)
Birmingham (United Kingdom), 9 November 2017 At this session, the World Road Association's British committee provided a unique viewpoint on two projects on which World Road Association experts are currently working: unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) and asset management.
>> View all the session's presentations and podcasts
Get the new issue of the World Road Association's Routes/Roads magazine, all about winter roads [...]
>> Read Routes/Roads
We must define not only the "What?" but also the "How?" and the "Why?" of ITS projects, along with measuring the effectiveness and degree of success of these projects [...]
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Unusually cold weather and significant snow events resulted in significant transport disruption and international media attention. From these challenges arose an opportunity to learn [...]
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