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May 2018

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Dear readers,

Our Association's activities are structured through a 4-year Strategic Plan, which is based on our members' priorities. It is also a good management tool which is necessary to drive the activities of our 1,200 international experts. One theme that has emerged more than 20 years ago and remains at the forefront of our priorities is road safety.

Over the years, PIARC has developed an extensive body of knowledge with technical reports and manuals that cover the whole range of issues: methodologies for road safety audits and inspections, guidelines for remedial measures, report on combating driver distraction and fatigue, recommendations on better taking human factors into account in the design and operations of roads, etc.. These reports and online manual are available for free and provide international best practice, tools, case studies, check lists... that can be used by countries at all stages of development.

>> Further information

Patrick Malléjacq Secretary General

Patrick Malléjacq

Secretary General


The Executive Committee of the World Road Association meets in Mexico 

April 24-25, 2018

The PIARC Executive Committee, the body responsible for administering the Association by delegation of the Board, met in Campeche (Mexico) on 24 and 25 April 2018.

The event brought together Committee Members and Vice-Presidents and the representative of National Committees as well as the President of PIARC, Claude Van Rooten, the Secretary General of the Association, Patrick Malléjacq, and coordinators and advisers on various strategic themes.

This meeting was an opportunity to discuss the Association's goals for the 2017-2020 period. The National Committees of the American continent took advantage of the occasion to hold a working meeting.

These meetings were organized in conjunction with DIRCAIBEA, which held its Board meeting at the same time.

>> Find out more about the PIARC Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the World Road Association meets in Mexico
Watch the webinar on unmanned aircraft systems (drones) organized by FHWA and PIARC!

Watch the webinar on unmanned aircraft systems (drones) organized by FHWA and PIARC! 

16 April 2018

The webinar "Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and highways - an international perspective" organized by PIARC and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the United States was a great success and brought together over 500 people online. You can now watch the video at a time that suits you on the PIARC YouTube channel.

>> Watch the webinar

PIARC welcomes the United Nations General Assembly's draft resolution on road safety 

12 April 2018

The World Road Association decided in 2011 to support the United Nations' Decade of Action to improve global road safety. This commitment is recognized worldwide since the draft resolution A/RES/72/271 "Improving global road safety" adopted on 12 April 2018 by the United Nations General Assembly refers to the PIARC Road Safety Manual published online.

>> Find out more about the United Nations Decade of Action

PIARC welcomes the United Nations General Assembly's draft resolution on road safety
Experts at PIARC share their knowledge all over the world

Experts at PIARC share their knowledge all over the world 

April 2018

During the month of April, the Association was present in Lisbon (Portugal), Campeche (Mexico), San Jose (Costa Rica), Madrid (Spain) and Beijing (China) to discuss road safety, the rehabilitation of bridges and bridging technology, and even the environmental aspect of road projects.

PIARC's vision is to play "a leading role in the exchange of knowledge on policies and practices in the context of integrated and sustainable transport." To this end, it regularly brings together international experts during seminars and conferences.

>> Find out more

Register now! The First International Conference on Road Tunnel Operations and Safety of PIARC will be held in Lyon 

Lyon (France), 3-5 October 2018

Organized by Technical Committee D.5 "Road Tunnels Operations" of the World Road Association (PIARC) and the French Committee of PIARC are organizing their first International Conference on Road Tunnels Operation and Safety. This event is organized with the support of the European Commission, ITA COSUF, the French Centre for Tunnel Studies (CETU) and the French Working Group of Road Tunnel Operators. It will be of great relevance for owners, operators, designers, representatives of fire departments, suppliers, equipment installers.

>> Find out more

The First International Conference on Road Tunnel Operations and Safety of PIARC will be held in Lyon


Technical Committee B.1 meeting on road network operations/intelligent transport systems

Technical Committee B.1 meeting on road network operations/intelligent transport systems 

Munich (Germany), 3-4 May 2018

The 5th Technical Committee B.1 meeting took place in Munich. The 24 members who attended from all over the world discussed road network operations and intelligent transport systems. The TC invited a keynote speaker from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) to talk about "Bluetooth technology for highway management" and the "German code of ethics for driverless cars".

>> Find out more about TC B.1 - Road network operations/intelligent transport systems

Technical Committee E.2 meeting - Taking acount of the environment in road projects and operations

Technical Committee E.2 meeting - Taking account of the environment in road projects and operations 

San Jose (Costa Rica), 16-17 April 2018

The 5th TC E.2 meeting took place in San José, Costa Rica. It gave TC members the opportunity to engage discussions with the Costa Rican Minister of Public Works and Transport, the Vice Minister of Infrastructure and Concessions and the Vice Minister of Reforms and Projects on topics such as air quality, noise management and climate change.

>> Find out more about TC E.2 - Taking account of the environment in road projects and operations

Technical Committee C.2 meeting - Design and operation of safer road infrastructures

Technical Committee C.2 meeting - Design and operation of safer road infrastructures 

Ottawa (Canada), 19-22 April 2018

Organized by SNC-Lavalin and Transport Canada, the 5th TC.2 meeting gave members the opportunity to work on various topics relating to new PIARC technical reports and to help to update the PIARC Road Safety Manual. Progress was also made towards presenting their results at the 2019 World Road Congress in Abu Dhabi.

>> Find out more about Technical Committee C.2 - Design and operation of safer road infrastructures

5th Meeting of the Committee on Terminology

5th Meeting of the Committee on Terminology 

Teheran (Iran), 10-11 May 2018

For the first time, a meeting of the PIARC Committee on Terminology was hosted in Iran. Members from Belgium, Austria, France, Switzerland, Spain and Iran worked on different sections to improve the PIARC Road Dictionary. After successive attempts by CTERM to include more languages into the PIARC Road Dictionary, Iran appointed a delegate to this committee in 2011. Since then, Iran has made considerable efforts to translate the PIARC online Road Dictionary into Persian, which is 51% accomplished to date

>> Find out more about the Committee on Terminology

The PIARC General Secretariat welcomes Hyunseok Kim

The PIARC General Secretariat welcomes Hyunseok Kim 

March 2018

Hyunseok Kim is an experienced professional employed by Korea Expressway Corporation, a South Korean company that operates toll roads in South Korea. He worked in the company's "International cooperation and international affairs" department. He was also a member of the Korean Organizing Committee for the 2015 World Road Congress in Seoul for two years. He took up his position as technical adviser to the PIARC General Secretariat in March 2018. His key mission is to support and liaise with technical committees on strategic theme A "Management and Finance" and allow better communication in pursuing their objectives.

>> See the organization of the PIARC General Secretariat

Mr Domenico Crocco appointed First Delegate of Italy

Mr Domenico Crocco appointed First Delegate of Italy 

We are pleased to announce that Mr Domenico Crocco, Secretary General of the Italian National Committee, one of the oldest PIARC national committees, has been appointed First Delegate of Italy by the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport.

>> See PIARC member countries



Mr Carlo Mariotta (Switzerland), President of the Swiss National Committee of PIARC from 2000 to 2005 and former president of the World Route Association Finance Committee, passed away on 26 April 2018. Carlo Mariotta was an ex-officio member of PIARC since 2013.


Issue of Routes/Roads magazine No. 376

Issue of Routes/Roads magazine No. 376 

The latest issue of Routes/Roads magazine (No. 376) of the World Road Association (PIARC) is available. Dedicated to Road Safety, it also reviews the latest activities and publications of PIARC.
Routes / Roads is a quarterly news magazine. The articles present analyzes or summaries, recommendations, or the state of practice in a country, on current topics of interest to the Road and Road Transport. [...]

>> Display Routes/Roads Issue online

Land use and safety: an introduction to understanding how land use decisions impact safety of the transportation system

Land use and safety: an introduction to understanding how land use decisions impact safety of the transportation system 

Unplanned communities create hazards for road users of all types generating unsafe conditions for motorists on the roadway and significant dangers for pedestrians, bicyclists and residents alongside or adjacent to the road. While the World Road Association continues to investigate options and recommendations for communities [...]

>> Display the technical report

Transport Strategies for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Transport Strategies for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation 

The transport sector is a major and quickly growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. Since 1970, greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector have more than doubled, increasing at a faster rate than any other end-use sector, and on-road greenhouse gas emissions have more than tripled, accounting for about 80 percent of the increase in total transport greenhouse gas emissions. [...]

>> Display the technical report


PIARC Events

Meeting Technical Committee Winter Service

October 02-04, 2018

Vienna (Austria)

PIARC international conference on road tunnel operations and safety 

October 03-05, 2018

Lyon (France)

International Seminar "Road Pavements" 

October 9-11, 2018

Durban (South Africa)

International Seminar "Safer Roads that Save Lives: The PIARC Contributions to the UN targets and Initiatives" 

October 17-19, 2018

Beijing (China)

PIARC will be there

13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads

13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads 

June 19-22, 2018

Berlin (Germany)

XXII Roads National Meeting

XXII Roads National Meeting 

August 22-25, 2018

Chihuahua (Mexico)

25th ITS World Congress

25th ITS World Congress 

September 17-21, 2018

Copenhagen (Denmark)

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