Dear readers,
This is a naturally good time of year for reviews, and I would like to look back at our achievements over the past year.
In 2018 we organised the 15th PIARC International Winter Road Congress in Gdansk (Poland), the first PIARC conference on road tunnel operation and safety, the 8th SURF Symposium on pavement surface characteristics, and two webinars. We also published reports on Electric Roads and Road Statistics as well as four issues of our magazine Routes/Roads. Finally, it is with pride that we welcomed three new National Committees, in Bulgaria, Côte d'Ivoire and Tanzania, and a new member country, Botswana.
Let us take a moment to look back at PIARC's 17 international seminars, conferences and workshops. They enabled (...)
>> Read more
Patrick Malléjacq
Secretary General
Washington D.C. (United States), 13 - 17 January 2019
With the presence of more than 13,000 delegates from a variety of backgrounds, including practitioners, researchers, decision-makers and experts, TRB has become an unmissable event.
This year it will host a joint PIARC/TRB session entitled "Road Infrastructure - What does resilience mean and to what extent are we resilient? "chaired by Jürgen Krieger, BASt (Germany), Chairman of PIARC Committee E.1 - Adaptation Strategies / Resilience. Abdelmename Hedhli, Ifsttar (France) will present the work of Task Force B.1 Road Design and Infrastructure for Innovative Transport Solutions, of which he is secretary, during a session chaired by the FHWA.
During the same week, PIARC General Secretariat will also convene the HDM Steering Committee, chaired by Óscar de Buen, Past President of the Association, as well as the second meeting of its Advisory Group, during which the Association's current and future activities and the special sessions of the 26th World Road Congress will be discussed.
Finally, PIARC will participate in the Transforming Transportation conference organised by the World Bank and the SuM4All Consortium meeting.
>> Further information
September - November 2018
Many technical meetings were held during the last quarter. They brought together our 1,200 international experts, who were thus able to advance their reflections.
-TC A1 - Performance of transport administrations, Kyiv (Ukraine)
-TC A2 - Road Transport System Economics and Social Development, Arusha (Tanzania)
-TC A3 - Risk Management, Hanoi (Vietnam)
-TC B1 - Road Network Operations/Intelligent Transport Systems, B3 - Sustainable Multimodality in Urban Areas, B4 -Freight, Cape Town (South Africa)
-TC B2 - Winter Service, Vienna (Austria)
-TC C1 - National road safety policies and programmes, and C2 - Design and operation of safer road infrastructure, Beijing (China)
-TC D1 - Asset Management, Petaling Jaya (Malaysia)
-TC D2 - Pavements, Durban (South Africa)
-TC D3 - Bridges, Portorož (Slovenia)
-TC D4 - Rural Roads and Earthworks, Tunis (Tunisia)
-TC D5 - Road Tunnels Operations, Lyon (France)
-TC E1 - Adaptation Strategies/Resiliency, Beijing (China)
-TC E2 - Environment Considerations in Road Projects and Operations, Madrid (Spain)
-TC E3 - Disaster Management, Hanoi (Vietnam)
These will lead to the publication of new technical reports to be presented at the World Road Congress, to be held from 6 to 10 October in Abu Dhabi.
>> More about PIARC Technical Committees
Marne-la-Vallée (France), 27-28 September 2018
The 6th meeting of the PIARC Committee on Terminology in the current cycle was hosted by IFSTTAR. Members and terminology correspondents from ten countries discussed possibilities and work in progress to update and upgrade the PIARC Online Road Dictionary.
The group was very pleased to welcome a new member from the United States, who will work on his native Japanese language in the Dictionary, as well as two new members from the Czech Republic, who will work on their native language. Other important issues were the efforts under way to develop Spanish as the third reference language in the Dictionary and preparations for the PIARC World Road Congress in Abu Dhabi.
>> Discover the PIARC road dictionary
Cardiff (United Kingdom), 14 - 15 October 2018
The United Kingdom National Committee organised a congress entitled "Cutting the Gas: Positive steps towards low carbon transport".
Miguel Caso Flórez, PIARC Technical Director, presented the Association's latest special project: "Electric Road Systems: a solution for the future?", which is available in the PIARC Virtual Library.
>> Read the report
3rd National Road Congress in Paraguay
Ciudad del Este (Paraguay), 11 - 12 October 2018
The PIARC National Committee in Paraguay, Asociación Paraguaya de Carreteras, organised its 3rd National Road Congress, which takes place every two years in a different city. This year, the Congress was held in Ciudad del Este, on the border between Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil.
APC was recognized as a PIARC National Committee in 2017, and for this first Congress since PIARC's recognition, the programme focused on road asset management, pavements, bridges and earthworks among other topics.
Barcelona (Spain), 12 - 14 February 2019
The PIARC National Committee in Spain, ATC, is organising this symposium to promote the latest knowledge on current issues in road tunnel operation and to facilitate technical discussions and debates between industry stakeholders.
>> Learn more and register (in Spanish)
It is increasingly likely that electric vehicles will play a major role in the future of road transport. Although commercial electric vehicles are available, their use has been limited due to high purchase costs, limited battery life and lack of charging convenience. In addition, while developments are ongoing, electric and hybrid powertrains still need to be effectively integrated into heavy trucks [...]
>>See the technical report
Well-functioning logistics and freight transport systems are crucial for a prosperous economy and a thriving society. The World Road Association/PIARC B4 Freight Technical Committee examines issues surrounding multi-modal and road cargo transport and reviews practices related to truck management and energy-efficient movement of freight.
>>See the technical report
The PIARC TC D.3 Bridges Technical Committee is publishing a worldwide compilation of case studies as examples for bridge owners in making critical decisions to ensure the safety of the traveling public during a bridge incident caused by damage and deterioration. This case study compilation has 28 worldwide case studies received from 15 unique countries.
>>See the technical report
PIARC Events
International Seminar "Towards Advanced Technology and Materials in Bridge Engineering"
Workshop "Connected and autonomous vehicles and their potential impact on the performance of transport administrations"
Workshop on Disaster Management
PIARC will be there