Dear readers,
The Association would like to welcome the incoming Strategic Theme Coordinators as well as the Chairs and Secretaries of its future Technical Committees and Task Forces. The latter will only start their work at the beginning of next year, and you may wonder: why we are making such anticipated appointments?
The reason is to be found in the strategic directions that our Members expect the Association to take. Indeed:
• PIARC members have confirmed that ensuring good quality of the Association's outputs is essential. Those are values for which PIARC is recognized and respected. This also refers to our intentions to reflect a wide range of international experiences in its outputs and to avoid working in silos...
>> Read More
Patrick Malléjacq
Secretary General
Rome, Italy, 14-16 May 2019
The conference was attended by 350 experts and sponsored by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Anas SpA, OICE and the Order of Engineers.
On the occasion of the Conference a competition was held on "The Roads of the Future" to identify the best technical work on management innovations.
The third day of the conference was held at the Anas Experimental Centre in Cesano with a seminar on testing laboratories, an exhibition of technologies and machinery as well as a visit to the testing laboratories of the Centre.
>> More information (in Italian)
Auckland, New Zealand, 6-8 May 2019
Hosted by NZ Transport Agency, this meeting focused on the finalisation of the second report from the committee, on Best Practice Guide on Traffic Noise, as well as finalising preparation for the World Road Congress later this year. TCE2 presented PIARC research on electric roads and valuing health and economic impacts of road related noise and air pollution from a Danish and Swedish perspective. NZ Transport Agency presented New Zealand's approach to investment and inclusion of environmental externalities.
>> Further information
Manila, Philippines, 11-15 February 2019
Chair of PIARC Technical Committee D.1 on Asset management, Thomas Linder, participated in the conference. He presented the work conducted by the Association on Asset Management, Risk Management and Traffic Safety, as well as the German experience on traffic safety work.
>> Further information
This issue of Routes/Roads, dedicated to road asset management, presents the current level of interest in the topic by road agencies. Everywhere they must meet the dual objective of optimizing infrastructure use while allocating adequate financial resources to facility maintenance.
>> Read Roads/Roads N° 381
The Manual takes into account the different PIARC technical reports produced in previous cycles by integrating them into the extended data collected in the present cycle.
The earthworks construction process produces earth-structures: cuts, fills or embankments, pavement support structures that have to meet specifications for stability, deformation...
>> Consult the manual
This report presents "Disaster Information Management" and "Disaster Management with the Public" as current important technologies to manage disasters with adapting to the society changes. The report highlights some case studies and best practices for improving management techniques in disaster situations.
>> Consult the technical report
PIARC Events
Iberian-American Seminar on Road Asset Management
PIARC National Committees
XIIth Winter Service Uruguayan Congress
Montevideo (Uruguay) September 25-27, 2019