NEWSLETTER N°95 March 2021
PIARC seminars, conferences, workshops, webinars… are a
great way to access and to share knowledge on roads and road transport. Several
are presented in this newsletter.
The main
one that we are working on currently is the XVI World Winter Service and Road
Resilience Congress, scheduled for February 2022. It’s a very encouraging sign that we have
received a large number of abstracts, on both themes of the Congress, Winter
Service and Road Resilience. Many abstracts originate from countries that are
traditionally very active in our Association, as expected, and we are very glad
that 15% of these abstracts were submitted from low- and middle-income
countries. This is really proof that our Congress will be relevant for
all countries [...] >> Read more
The PIARC Earthworks Manual, launched in 2012, has been produced by the
relevant technical committee in two work cycles, 2012-2015 and 2016-2019. An
updated and extended version, eagerly awaited by the experts from many
countries who participated in its production and by professionals, has been
released on PIARC website. The Manual consists of several separate booklets that can be downloaded
separately. In its final version, still under preparation, it will cover the
following topics: Part 1: General considerations Part 2: Specific technical developments 2A - Materials - 2A.I Natural materials - soil and rock.
- 2A.II Case of marginal materials
- 2A.III Alternative materials
2B - Treatment of materials 2C - Earthwork design and project 2D - Earthworks execution 2E - Environmental aspects
>> Parts I, 2A.I and 2B are available on the PIARC website via
this link
2 to 4 March 2021
During a three-day meeting which was
held from 2 to 4 March via videoconference, Technical Committee 3.3
"Asset Management" continued to advance the work on the issues
assigned in the PIARC Strategic Plan 2020-2023. In particular, there was an
inspiring exchange between the 57 participants on the findings that the
working groups have gained since the last TC meeting. Additionally,
an informative presentation on the PIARC Special Project "Road Related
Data and how to Use It" and an intense discussion in small groups on the
integration of new data streams in asset management processes and systems
provided valuable insights to enhance the TC’s work this cycle. The next
TC meeting is being planned for autumn, virtually.
>> Learn more about TC 3.3
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This report puts together good practices on the various regional
approaches to the impacts of climate change on roads and little hydraulic
works. The subject has already been addressed during previous PIARC cycles but
more on the general geotechnical aspect [...]
>> Read more
Currently, several technological
developments are influencing the day-to-day work of road network operators. Automation,
internet of things (IoT), smart systems, mobility services, artificial
intelligence and big data are aiming to improve traffic operations and
enhance mobility. Among these technologies [...]
>> Read more
In many countries around the world,
national policies for logistics and freight transport are neglected or
undervalued compared to passenger mobility and transport. Often, only some
elements of freight transport policies are implemented. On the other hand,
well-functioning logistics [...]
>> Read more
PIARC Events
07 April 2021
18-19 May 2021
PIARC National Committees
08, 15, 22 and 29 April 2021 Spanish National Committee
15 April 2021 French National Committee
8 April
2021 from 17:00 to 18:30 (Paris time) French National Committee Online