Being an Engineer in transports is very exciting and rewarding, and makes you part of an ecosystem that aims at improving the way people travel. The International Women in Engineering Day is celebrated every year on June 23rd, and it marks its 10th anniversary this year. This is the opportunity to raise awareness of the incredible contribution engineers who identify as women are making to the profession and to reflect on their achievements as transport experts and leaders. Road Transport is an exciting industry, where the passion and the vision of female engineers can make the difference in building a future full of possibilities for all, and can shape a more inclusive and more equitable transport network At PIARC, we firmly value the role of female leaders [...] >> Read the full editorial
Routes/Roads magazine Issue #396 is dedicated to the latest state of the art in the world of tunnels. It is based on the best papers from the 2nd International Conference on Tunnels [...] >> Read it here
Case Studies The Working Group "Integrated transportation systems, multimodality" of our Committee on mobility in urban areas has compiled case studies and good practices on multimodality [...] >> Read it here
Case studies This report addresses
different pavement types such as flexible and semi-rigid pavements, as well as
different road types, considering [...]
>> Read it here
Special Project The 20 recommendations
presented within the report provide a clear framework for road administrations
to systematically compare their current practices and develop tailored action
>> Read it here
It was an
amazing opportunity to showcase and present our latest reports, our magazine
and the upcoming World Road Congress. Exciting discussions and insights were shared,
shaping the future of road infrastructure and transport!
>> Watch the interview
programme will include Ministers’ sessions, 60 technical sessions, workshops,
Foresight Sessions with our partners as well as a comprehensive exhibition,
technical visits and social events.
>> Download the 4th circular
To mark
the occasion, we interviewed inspiring women who share in a video their
remarkable journeys, challenges & triumphs, to encourage the next
generation of engineers.
>> Watch the video
In the framework of
this PIARC project, Kaouther Machta presents data collection and analysis for
road safety.
>> Watch now!
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