As I send you this farewell message as President for the 2022 – 2024 cycle (a term marked by the unexpected visit of a guest named Covid-19), I am overwhelmed by a wave of emotions. Serving as a President of PIARC has been one of the most rewarding professional experiences of my life. It has been a journey of learning, growth and unforgettable memories. To our Secretary General and his team, you have been the cornerstone of my tenure. Together, we have met unexpected challenges [...] >> Read the full editorial
The report presents advice for engineers on forensic investigations after bridge collapses. Although rare, these incidents require lessons to improve design and safety. It is recommended that complete records be kept on each bridge and that the results of investigations be shared. PIARC is encouraged to continue disseminating case studies. >> Read here
PIARC plays a key role in improving road safety worldwide, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, where 90% of traffic fatalities occur. Technical Committee 3.1 shares effective practices for reducing serious and fatal accidents, notably through its "Online Road Safety Manual". Two webinars, held in September 2023, [...] >> Read here
The event will highlight the latest innovations and strategies in transport asset management, addressing key themes such as BIM, resilience and the renewal of aging infrastructure. >> More information and registration
Co-organized by PIARC's Technical Committees 3.5 "Road Infrastructure for Road Transport Decarbonization" and 4.5 "Decarbonization of Road Construction and Road Maintenance", this conference will bring together international experts to share best practices, explore innovative solutions and develop recommendations for a greener future. >> Further information and pre-registration
These meetings included technical visits, such as the MOSE system in Venice, and demonstrations of smart road technologies. Germany From October 23 to 25, 2024, Bonn was the scene of the German Road and Transport Congress, also marking the centenary of the FGSV. Over 2,000 participants discussed topics such as sustainability and digitalization, in the presence of Nazir Alli, President of PIARC. France On December 12, 2024, PIARC France held a cocktail party in honor of Yolande Daniel, its Secretary General, to express its gratitude for her dedication to the Association over all these years. She has also been named an honorary member of PIARC in 2019. >> Find out more: Visit the PIARC National Committees websites
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