XIIth World Road Congress - Rome 1964 - Proceedings of the Congress
Pages 0-65 (9226 Ko)
- FOREWORD (p. 5)
- Italian Organising Commission (p. 11)
- Programme of Subjects and Names of Reporters (p. 19)
- Programme of the Congress (p. 48)
- Programme of Excursions (p. 50)
- General Board of the Congress (p. 51)
- First Plenary Session (Formal Inauguration) (p. 54)
- Section Meetings (p. 65)
Pages 67-152 (25008 Ko)
- First Section:
- Monday, 11th May Second Question: Committee on Pavement Design (p. 67)
- Tuesday, 12th May Morning: First Question (p. 93)
- Afternoon: Third Question (p. 104)
- Joint Committee P.I.A.R.C./CEMBUREAU Committee on Testing of MaterialsWednesday, 13th May
- Fourth Question: Slipperiness Committee (p. 121)
- Fifth Question: Road Tunnels Committee (p. 140)
- Sixth Question: Committee on Low Cost Roads (p. 152)
Pages 177-243 (16907 Ko)
- Second Section:
- Monday, 11th MaySeventh Question (p. 177)
- Tuesday, 12th May Morning: Eighth Question (p. 196)
- Tuesday, 12th May Afternoon: Ninth Question (p. 211)
- Wednesday, 13th May Tenth Question : Committee on Traffic and Safety (p. 228)
- Combined Sections:Friday, 15th MayCommunications
- Communications and Films (p. 241)
- Plenary Session to Adopt the Conclusions:Saturday, 16th May
- Adoption of Conclusions (p. 243)
Pages 256-366 (22905 Ko)
- Text of the Conclusions (p. 256)
- Formal Closing Session (p. 283)
- Receptions, Visits and Excursions (p. 290)
- Statutes of the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses (p. 301)
- List of Members of the Executive Committee and Members of the Permanent International Commission at 1st January, 1965 (p. 308)
- List of Delegates of Governments at the Congress (p. 310)
- List of Observers (p. 320)
- List of Public Bodies (p. 322)
- List of Collective Members (p. 329)
- List of Individual Members (p. 341)
- List of Temporary Public Bodies (p. 355)
- List of Temporary Collective Members (p. 356)
- List of Temporary Private Members (p. 357)
- List of Temporary Accompanying Members (p. 366)