International Workshop "Risk And Emergency Management For Roads"
29-30 June 2013, Osaka (Japan)
The International Workshop on Risk and Emergency Management for Roads was held at the Osaka International House in Osaka. This workshop was jointly organized by the World Road Association Technical Committee 1.5 on Risk Management", the International Road Federation (IRF), which provided support with the IRF Disaster Relief Fund, the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), the Japan Road Association (JRA) and the Hanshin Expressway Co., Ltd., and was sponsored by road-related organizations in Japan.
- Workshop Program (Japanese/English)
The two-day workshop consisted of three keynote presentations, two invited presentations and five technical sessions with a large audience including experts from governments, academia and the private sector. Two keynote presenters were invited from the U.S. and Indonesia as part of the cooperation with IRF and REAAA.

M. Keiichi INOUE
During the opening session, welcome addresses were delivered by Mr Keiichi INOUE, President of JRA, Mr Jean-François CORTÉ, Secretary General of the World Road Association and Mr Moriyasu FURUKI, Chair of IRF, Subcommittee of JRA, which was followed by the opening remarks by Dr Keiichi TAMURA, Chair of TC 1.5.
A commonly-shared important lesson emerged from the three keynote presentations: adequate post-disaster management as well as preventive measures based on past experiences play a pivotal role in quick recovering from the major natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Dr Kiyoshi KOBAYASHI, Professor at Kyoto University, Japan, presented the idea of unforeseen risk and management perspectives. Mr Djoko MURJANTO, Director General of Highways, Indonesia, showed the response to the Merapi volcanic eruptions. Mr Herby LISSADE from CALTRANS, the U.S. outlined the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS). This system serves as the basis of emergency and disaster response for the Transport Authority of California as it integrates various activities among the State and local governments, NGOs, and private industries.

Les participants à l'Atelier
The technical sessions included presentations on management of emergency situations, risk management methodologies and application of risk management techniques. Risk management associated with tropical storms in Mexico and the application of quantitative risk assessment for road tunnels in Greece were concrete illustrations for participants.
Two Japanese experts explained how Japanese road administrations responded to the devastating earthquake and tsunami in 2011, and the tunnel ceiling fall accident in 2012. One of the key messages was:
"What saves us in an emergency is what we prepared. It is not enough to prepare based on our experience and we should prepare beyond our experience."
In addition to the technical meetings, a technical visit to the traffic control center of Hanshin Expressway was organized.
International Workshop Program - 29-30 May 2013 | |
First day of the Workshop (29 May) | |
Hour |
Conferences |
13:00 |
Opening Session Moderated by Yukio ADACHI and Maarten BLOMME |
- Welcome Address, Keiichi INOUE, President, JRA | |
13:30 |
Keynote Presentation Moderated by Keiichi TAMURA and Ioannis BENEKOS |
Unforeseen Riskand Management Perspectives | |
Disaster Management in Road Infrastructure - A Response Managementof Merapi Volcanic Eruption | |
15:00 |
Break |
15:15 |
Technical Session I Moderated by Takumi UNO and Maurizio CRISPINO |
ASFINAG-Integrated Approach on Risk Management | |
Risk Management of Land Development on Critical Highway Corridors | |
16:05 |
Technical Session II Moderated by Takumi UNO and Maurizio CRISPINO |
Application of Riskand Emergency Management to Road Operations in South Australia | |
Risk Management in Public Danish Road Planning and Construction | |
Risk Based Maintenance Strategy in Hanshin Expressway Based on Logic Modeland BMS | |
Second day of the Workshop (30 mai) | |
Hour |
Conferences |
09:30 |
Keynote Presentation Moderated by Masaru KAWAMURA and James LAMBERT |
Critical Transportation Infrastructure Resilience | |
10:15 |
Break |
10:30 |
Technical Session III Moderated by Masaru KAWAMURA and James LAMBERT |
Including Risk Assessment and Risk Management into Italian Standards and Current Practices: An Overview | |
Managing Risks Associated with Tropical Storms - Mexico Case | |
Current Status of Risk Planning in Flanders | |
On Risk Assessment and Risk Appraisal of Road Tunnels in Greece | |
12:10 |
Lunch |
13:20 |
Invited Presentation Moderated by Hiroaki MIYATAKE and Andrew EXCELL |
2011 Great East Japan Earthquake-Emergency Response, Repair-Restoration, and Lessons Learned | |
Tunnel Ceiling Accident and Actions Followed | |
14:20 |
Technical Session IV Moderated by Hiroaki MIYATAKE and Andrew EXCELL |
Emergency Situation Management of High Floodson Dornesti Bridge, Suceava, Romania-Case Study | |
Waioeka Gorge Landslide: A New Zealand Case Study | |
15:10 |
Break |
15:25 |
Technical Session V Moderated by Yoriko KAWAKAMI and Brett GLIDDON |
Brussels Mobility Risk Management | |
Management of Emergency Situations in Cameroon | |
Emergency Management in Czech Republic | |
International Seminar Risk Management for Highway Infrastructure (Merida, Yucatan, Mexico) | |
17:05 |
Closing Session Moderated by Yukio ADACHI and Maarten BLOMME |
Closing Remarks | |
Closing Remarks |