International Seminars on road assets management
This page lists the proceedings of international seminars organized by the Technical Committees of PIARC in the field of road assets management. These seminars are classified chronologically.

- Online, organised from Paris (France), Renewal and Rejuvenation of Aging Infrastructure organised by the Technical Committee 3.3 "Asset Management".
- Online, organised from Paris (France), Road Asset Management Manual organised by the Technical Committee 3.3 "Asset Management".
- Dakar (Senegal), 07-09 March 2023, Performance-based Asset Management of Land Transport Infrastructure and Services for Sustainable Development organized by the MITTD, the ADEPT, and the technical committee 3.3 "Asset Management"
- Online, organised from Blacksburg (USA), 28 April 2022, Measures to improve resilience of road networks organized by the Technical Committee 3.3 "Asset Management".
- Online, organised from Blacksburg (USA), 18 november 2021, Innovative approaches for Asset Management Systems organized by the Technical Committee 3.3 "Asset Management".
- San Fandila (Mexico), 14-16 august 2019, Roads asset management - Tools for implementation organized by the Technical Committee D.1.
- Cancun (Mexico), 31 March - 02 April 2014, Road Infrastructure Management - Current Practice and Development Prospective organized by the Technical Committee 4.1 "Management of Road Assets".
- Swakopmund (Namibia), 4-6 April 2011, Gestion des réseaux routiers organized by the Technical Committee D.1.
- Chandigarh (India), 19-21 March 2008, Road asset management organized by the Technical Committee 4.1 and the Punjab Government, in association with the Indian Roads Congress.