International Seminars on Winter Service
This page lists the proceedings of international seminars and Workshops organized by the Technical Committees of PIARC in the field of winter service. These seminars are classified chronologically.

- Online organised from Kiev (Ukraine), 13-15 December 2021 Winter Service on Roads and other Public Places jointly organized by the Technical Committee 3.2, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Infrastructure Association.
- Santiago de Chile (Chile), 5-7 June 2013 Winter Road in High Mountain and Extreme Zones organized under the aegis of the Chilean Road Administration of Ministry of Public Works and the Chilean Highways and Transportation Association (ACCT), jointly with the Engineers College of Chile and the Technical Committee 2.4.
- Ulaanbaator (Mongolia), 6-8 April 2011, Management of Winter Service in an Extreme Continental Climate Country organized by the Technical Committee B.5 and the Ministry of Road, Transportation, Construction and Urban Development of Mongolia.
- Hradec Králové (Czech Rep.), 7-9 October 2009, Technical Solution for Sustainable Winter Service organized by the Technical Committee B5 and the Czech Ministry of Transport, Road and Motorway Directorate of Czech Republic.
- Riga (Latvia), 22 September 2005, Safe and Efficient Winter Maintenance Practices organized by the Technical Committee C3.4 and the Latvian Road Administration; also sponsored by the Baltic Road Association.
- Ulaan Baator (Mongolia), 18-21 June 2002, Appropriate Use of Natural Materials in Road organized by the Technical Committee 12 with more than 50 delegates from 12 countries.
- Helsinki (Finland), 11 March 2015, Mobile Road Surface Condition Measurements in Winter jointly organized by the Technical Committee 2.4 "Winter Service" and the Finish Transport Agency (FTA).