To join the Association is to join a network that has existed since 1909 at the dawn of the Motor Age. More than 100 years later, the Association continues to foster and facilitate global discussion and knowledge sharing on roads and road transport.
The Association now boasts 128 government members worldwide and retains consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
The Association will be the world leader in the exchange of knowledge on roads and road transport policy and practices within an integrated sustainable transport context.
PIARC exists to serve all its members by:
- being a leading international forum for analysis and discussion of the full spectrum of transport issues, related to roads and road transport,
- identifying, developing and disseminating best practice and giving better access to international information,
- fully considering within its activities the needs of developing countries and countries in transition,
- developing and promoting efficient tools for decision making on matters related to roads and road transport.
PIARC's values are:
- to provide responsive and quality service to all its members
- to be open, objective, and impartial to foster peaceful dialogue for socioeconomic development
- to promote sustainable, integrated, and sound economic solutions that respect the differing international road transport needs
- to be gender inclusive and diverse
- to as a meeting point for road organisations, be non-partisan and areligious
To achieve these aims, PIARC
- creates and coordinates Technical Committees,
- organizes a quadrennial World Road Congress, a quadrennial World Winter Road Congress and various technical seminars and
- publishes a large number of documents including a quarterly magazine Routes/Roads.