XXVIIth World Road Congress
02-06 October 2023, Prague (Czech Republic)
The XXVIIth edition of our landmark event took place in Prague from 2 to 6 October 2023 at the Prague Congress Center (PCC).
The Congress was organised in close cooperation between PIARC (World Road Association), the Czech Road Society and PIARC Czech National Committee, with the support of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Road Association.
The event attracted 38 Ministerial delegates, 229 exhibitors, 28 national pavilions, over 4,000 delegates and 2,000 students from 120 countries. The program included 88 sessions, 16 workshops, 15 technical visits and various social events.
Proceedings of Prague Congress 2023 available online!
"Prague 2023 – Together on the Road again"
The participants of the Congress were able to meet hundreds of private partners in the exhibition area of over 3,500 m2 and take part in one of the sixteen technical visits on offer.
Prague 2023 Congress proceedings are available online.
There you will find:
- The Congress programme, including the detailed programme of each session,
- National reports produced by PIARC Member Countries for the Strategic Direction Sessions,
- Individual papers selected by the Technical Committees and Task Forces from among the proposals received following the Call for Papers,
- PIARC's activity report for each of the years since the last World Road Congress in Abu Dhabi in 2019.
This General Report was prepared by the PIARC Czech National Committee tasked with capturing, reviewing, summarizing and documenting the fundamental core of content covered across the full breadth and depth of the Congress’s technical programme as documented in the summaries prepared by the Congress Session Chairs.
This report sets out a structured summary of each technical focus area in a simple, thorough and consistent format. It includes not only the prefacing background to the issues, but a summary of the current focus issues and development areas, along with key outcomes, resolutions, findings and results; and importantly, the associated impacts on both key decision makers and PIARC (and other international organisations).
The objective of this report is to produce a central document that acts as a historical archive for future reference requirements, as well as a guiding blueprint to map the course for the next four years of road and transport technical development and advancement.

The capital city of the Czech Republic is poetically considered to be the heart of the European continent. The history is deeply rooted in every building and you can feel the cultural spirit in every step. Different architectural styles have been preserved throughout the wars and years of the communist era so the visitors may compose their own image of Prague. With the Prague Castle, the largest castle complex in the world on one side, facing the Dancing House representing the contemporary architectural tendencies on the other side, visitors can appreciate the centuries of history embedded in the buildings.
Prague is not only a city of historical monuments, but also a city for living, where culture is an integral part of things. It is not surprising to find that it has been a source of inspiration for famous Prague residents and personalities, such as Kafka, Mozart, Beethoven, Kafka, Einstein.