International Seminars on Road pavements
This page lists the proceedings of international seminars organized by the Technical Committees of PIARC in the field of Road pavements. These seminars are classified chronologically.

- Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 07-09 March 2023, International Pavement Seminar organized by the Ministry Of Public Works Malaysia, the Public Works Department of Malaysia, the Road Engineering Association of Malaysia (REAM) and the technical committee 4.1 "Pavements" of PIARC.
- Online organised from Buenos Aires (Argentina), 20-22 September 2021, Use of Recycled Materials in Paving organized by the Technical Committee 4.1 "Pavements" and the Argentine Roads Association (AAC), as the Argentine National Committee of PIARC.
- Quito (Ecuador), 10-12 November 2014, Strategies and Methods to Ensure Long Service Life of Pavements organized by the Technical Committee 4.2 with its Latin American Working Group.
- Buenos-Aires (Argentina), 9-10 May 2011, Latest Advancements In Concrete Pavement Design And Construction organized by the Technical Committee D.2C.
- New Dehli (India), 17-19 February 2011, Reducing the Carbon Footprint in Road Construction organized by the Technical Committee A.1 and the Indian Roads Congress with the support of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India.
- Cancún (Mexico), 24-26 August 2009, Maintenance Techniques to improve Pavement Performance organized by the Technical Committee D2 and the Mexican National Committee (AMIVTAC).
- La Habana (Cuba), 18-20 April 2007, Road pavement maintenance organized by the Technical Committee 4.3.
- Cracow (Poland), 21-22 September 2005, Urban pavements organized by the Technical Committee 4.3.
- Warsaw (Poland), 10-11 October 2002, Road pavement recycling organized by the Technical Committee C7/8 and the Road and Bridge Research Institute.