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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Financing of road infrastructures

Rabat (Morocco), 14 April 2009

This workshop was organized jointly by the Morrocan General Road Directorate and PIARC Technical Committee A.2.

International organizations were invited to explain how the current crisis affects their policy for investment in road infrastructure and road transport, as well as the financial tools they are using.

PRESENTATIONS (French/ English)

Opening. Chair of PIARC Technical Committee A.2.

1 - Le financement des infrastructures routières au Maroc. Mr. Hicham N'HAMMOUCHA, Morocco.


2 - La crise économique et financière globale actuelle et son influence sur la politique de soutien aux investissements pour les infrastructures routières et le transport routier ainsi que les outils financiers de la Banque Mondiale. Mr. Abdelmoula GHZALA, World Bank.


3 - Impacts de la crise financière mondiale sur le réseau routier en Côte d'Ivoire et quelques réponses. Mr. William Komenen, Ivory Coast. 


4 - Intervention de la BAD. Mr. Nono J.S. MATONDO-FUNDANI. Development Bank Group African.


5 - How financial crisis has affected road system in Mexico? Mr. Amado ATHIE, Mexico.




6 - Impacts of financial crisis on PPPs. Ms. Caroline VISSER, IRF Geneva.


7 - The effect of the global financial crisis on roads in South Africa. Mr. Corne ROUX, South Africa.


8 - Modalités de financement et réponses à la crise. Mr. Jean-Noël ROULLEAU, AFD.


9 - Plan de relance de l'économie française. Volet relatif aux infrastructures de transports. Ms. Samira IRSANE-SEMAAN, PIARC TC A.2 French-speaking Secretary , France.

English/ French

10 - Presentation on the case of Denmark. Mr. Michael SCHODER, Denmark.



