International Seminars on Risk management
This page lists the proceedings of international seminars and workshops organized by the Technical Committees of PIARC in the field of risk management. These seminars are classified chronologically.

- Cancún (Mexico), 08-11 February 2023, Sustainability and Disaster Management for Roads organised jointly by the Mexican Road Assosiaction (AMIVTAC), the PIARC Technical Commitees 1.5 "Disaster Management" and 3.4 "Environmental Sustainability in Road Infrastructure and Transport".
- Yogyakarta (Indonesia) and online, 22-24 November 2022, Climate Change, Resilience and Disaster Management for Roads, organised jointly by the Regional Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), the Indonesian Road Development Association (HPJI), the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PWH) and PIARC Technical Committees 1.4 "Climate Change and Resilience of Road Networks" and 1.5 "Disaster Management".
- Hanoi (Vietnam), 07-08 November 2018, Disaster & Risk Management for Roads jointly organized by the Technical Committees A.3 and E.3.
- Havana (Cuba), 08-10 November 2017, Climate Change Adaptation, Risk And Disaster Management For Roads And Road Organizations jointly organized by the Technical Committees A.3, E.1 and E.3.
- Xi'an (China), 12-13 November 2014, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Technologies and Inputs from ITS in Network Operations jointly organized by the Technical Committee 1.5, the Technical Committee 2.1, the Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute (CAREERI), Key Laboratory of Shaanxi Provincial Highway Traffic Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Shaanxi Provincial Highway Institute.
- Merida (Mexico), 09-11 October 2013, Risk Management for Highway Infrastructure jointly organized by the Technical Committee 1.5, the Mexican Association of Road Engineering (AMVITAC), in cooperation with the Board of Road Directors of Iberia and Latin America (DIRCAIBEA), the Mexican Transport Institute (IMT), the Government of Yucatan and supported by SESPEC Insurance Brokers.
- Beijing (China), 11-13 November 2010, Risk and Emergency Management for Roads jointly organized by the Technical Committee 3.2 and the Research Institute of the Highway Ministry of Transport in China.
- Iasi (Romania), 5-7 November 2009, Managing Risks in Road Operations organized by the Government of Romania and the Technical Committee C.3.
- Cartagena (Colombia), 3-4 May 2007, Risk management for roads.
- Hanoi (Vietnam) 26-28 April 2006, Risk management for roads jointly organized by the Technical Committee 3.2 and the Ministry of Transport from Viet Nam.
- Kyoto (Japan), 30 June 2022, Road disaster management using the latest information technologies organized by PIARC via its Technical Committee 1.5 "Disaster Management" and the JARA (JApan Road Association). The event was greatly cooperated by REAAA (Regional Association of Asia and Australasia) via REAAA Climate Change, Resilience and Emergency Management Committee.
- Irvine (USA), 09 May 2019, Disaster Management and Resilience for Road Infrastructure organized by the Technical Committee E.3 "Disaster Management", sponsored by Transportation Research Board (TRB) and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and in cooperation with California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).
- Santiago (Chile), 15 June 2018, Resilience Process for Disaster jointly organized by the Technical Committee E.3 "Disaster Management", Ministry of Public Works of Chile, and Chilean Association of Roads and Transportation.
- Tokyo (Japan), 31 May 2017, Disaster Management for Roads jointly organized by the Technical Committee E.3 "Disaster Management", Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), Japan Road Association (JRA) and Hanshin expressway Co., Ltd., and was sponsored by Japan Anchor Association, Japanese Technical Association for Steel Pipe Piles and Sheet Piles, Public Works Research Center, CTI Engineering Co., Ltd., Naigaikozo Co., Ltd., Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., and supported by Japan Society of Civil Engineers.
- Adelaide (Australia), 12 March 2015, Risk Management in Traffic and Road Operations jointly organized by the Technical Committee 1.5 on Risk Management and the Government of South Australia, and supported by Austroads and the ARRB group.
- Milan (Italy), 28 May 2014, Road Risk Management jointly organized by the Technical Committee 1.5 "Risk Management", the Italian National PIARC Committee and the Polytechnic University of Milan, and was supported by FiNELCO, GSA, SINECO and TECNOCHEM.
- Osaka (Japan), 29-30 June 2013, Risk And Emergency Management For Roads jointly organized by the Technical Committee 1.5 "Risk Management", the International Road Federation (IRF), which provided support with the IRF Disaster Relief Fund, the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), the Japan Road Association (JRA) and the Hanshin Expressway Co., Ltd.