International Seminars on Environment
This page lists the proceedings of international seminars organized by the Technical Committees of PIARC in the field of environment. These seminars are classified chronologically.

- Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 07-09 March 2023, International Pavement Seminar organized by the Ministry Of Public Works Malaysia, the Public Works Department of Malaysia, the Road Engineering Association of Malaysia (REAM) and the technical committee 4.1 "Pavements" of PIARC.
- Cancún (Mexico), 08-11 February 2023, Sustainability and Disaster Management for Roads organised jointly by the Mexican Road Assosiaction (AMIVTAC), the PIARC Technical Commitees 1.5 "Disaster Management" and 3.4 "Environmental Sustainability in Road Infrastructure and Transport".
- Tunis (Tunisia), 23-15 November 2022, Sustainable Mobility for Resilient Cities and Peri-Urban Regions organised jointly by the Tunisian Association of Roads (ATR), the Ministry of Equipment and Housing (MEH), the Ministry of Transport (MT), the National Federation of Tunisian Communes (FNCT) and PIARC's Technical committee 2.1 "Mobility in Urban Areas".
- Yogyakarta (Indonesia) and online, 22-24 November 2022, Climate Change, Resilience and Disaster Management for Roads, organised jointly by the Regional Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA), the Indonesian Road Development Association (HPJI), the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PWH) and PIARC Technical Committees 1.4 "Climate Change and Resilience of Road Networks" and 1.5 "Disaster Management".
- Online organised from Kampala (Uganda), 6-8 December 2021, Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience of Roads - LMIC organised jointly by the UNRA (Uganda National Roads Authority) and the Technical Committee 1.4 "Climate Change and Resilience of Road Networks".
- Cluj-Napoca (Romania) and online, 20-22 October 2021, Environmental Sustainability of Road Transport: Air Pollution, Noise and Relationship with Energy Transition and Climate Change organised jointly by the PIARC Technical Committee 3.4 "Environmental Sustainability in Road Infrastructure and Transport", the Romanian Roads and Bridges Professional Association (Transylvania branch) and the Department of Railways, Roads and Bridges of the Cluj-Napoca Technical University.
- Online organised from Germany, 02 and 04 June 2021, Climate Change Impacts and Road Resilience organised and supported by members of the German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure Network of Experts (BMVI-NoE) and the Technical Committee 1.4.
- Online organised from Lublin (Poland), 18-19 May 2021, Issues for sustainable roads and ecoinfrastructures: new challenges in the context of Energy and Climate organised in cooperation with the Techical Committee 3.4 "Environmental Sustainability in Road Infrastructure and Transport", the Polish Road Congress (PKD) – Polish National Committee of PIARC, the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) and the Department of Roads and Bridges of the Lublin University of Technology.
- Havana (Cuba), 08-10 November 2017, Climate Change Adaptation, Risk And Disaster Management For Roads And Road Organizations jointly organised by the Technical Committees A.3, E.1 and E.3.
- Bali (Indonesia), 22-24 April 2014, Road Sustainability and Green Technology organised in cooperation between the Technical Committee 1.3, the Road Engineering Association of Asia (REAAA) and the Indonesian Road Development Association (IRDA).
- New Dehli (India), 17-19 February 2011, Reducing the Carbon Footprint in Road Construction organised by Technical Committee A.1 and the Indian Roads Congress with the support of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India.
- Timisoara (Romania), 16-18 September 2009, Environment and sustainable Transport organised by Technical Committees A.1 and B.4 in cooperation with the Professional Association of Roads and Bridges from Romania and the National Company of Motorways and National Roads of Romania.
- Monterrey (Mexico), 8-12 May 2006, Sustainable development and road transport organised by the Technical Committees 2.1 and 2.2.