Road maintenance management techniques and financing methods
Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
2-3 December 2008
Seminar organised in cooperation with:
- World Road Association (PIARC) - Technical Committee A.2
- Association of African Road Managers and Partners (AGEPAR)
- African Road Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA)
- PIARC National Committee of Burkina Faso (CB-PIARC)
- Road Maintenance Fund of Burkina Faso (FER-B)
Preparatory documents
- Second announcement
- Registration
- Final program
In French
Session 1 - Institutional aspects of road maintenance
Moderator: Kalsibiri KABORE, Director of Construction and Reconstruction (DCR/DGR), Burkina Faso | ||
Période des premières années après les indépendances Messou MENIN (Côte d'Ivoire) |
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Period of road maintenance projectsPierre Lompo (Burkina Faso) |
Period of the declarations of general policy in the transport sector Ambroise OUEDRAOGO (Burkina Faso) |
Organisation best adapted to African road networks Hervé OUEDRAOGO (Burkina Faso) |
Session 2 - Technical aspects of road maintenance
Moderator: Michel ATADJO, General Director of Public Works (Benin), AGEPAR Executive Secretary | ||
Dégradations sur les routes, dépendances, ouvrages d'assainissement et de drainage (typologie, causes, évolution et traitement) - L'entretien routier (définition, types et tâches) Modibo KEITA (Mali) |
Sécurité routière et entretien routier Nassourou CISSE (Burkina Faso) |
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Quality standards Kalsibiri KABORE (Burkina Faso) |
Impacts sur l'environnement Maria OUEDRAOGO (Burkina Faso) |
Condition indicators of rural tracks defacements Rachid TABBOUCHY (Morocco) |
Road maintenance planning (objectives, methods and tools) Ousmane YONLI (Burkina Faso) |
Session 3 - Contractual aspects of road maintenance
Moderator: Ousmane TIENDREBEOGO, Director of ACE-Ingénieurs (Burkina Faso) | ||
Gestion des marchés de travaux Anatole KOUZONDE (Benin) |
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Spécificité des travaux d'urgence Cheick Oumar DIALLO (Mali) |
A new approach to public-private partnership for rehabilitation and maintenance of motorways in Spain Francisco CRIADO (Spain) |
Session 4 - Contribution of road maintenance to the national economies
Moderator: Alain CHARLEBOIS, Conseiller principal au Bureau de la mise en œuvre des partenariats public-privé du Ministère des Transports du Québec | ||
Road heritage as capital Mahmoudou OUEDRAOGO (Burkina Faso) |
Presentation of solutions for improving road maintenance management and financing in Iran Zakari HORMOZ (Iran) |
Conséquences du manque d'entretien routier Tchona IDOSSOU (Burkina Faso) |
Example for quality prescriptions and quality assessment in PPP contracts Christian NAGL (Austria) |
Advantages induced by road maintenance Soufiene MAGAGI (Niger) |
Session 5 - Road maintenance financing
Moderator: Mike GOODALE, Director of the Asset Management, Ministry of Transport, Ontario, Canada | ||
Financing of roads during the first 30 years of the period of independences Condé DIATY (Guinea) |
Road infrastructure investments and financing under the responsibility of the Ministry of Transports of Quebec Alain CHARLEBOIS (Canada-Québec) |
The impact of overloading on road maintenance financing Ioly ROBINSON (Magadascar) |
History of road development, finance and investment in Japan Takaaki NAMBU (Japan) |
Session 6 - Second generation road funds (or road maintenance funds)
Moderator: Ousmane NACOULMA, CAEM General Director, Burkina Faso | ||
Second generation road funds, theory and principles Rashid MOHAMMED (AFERA) |
Eligible works Francisco PEREIRA (Mozambique, ARMFA) |
Example of Southern Africa second generation road maintenance funds: case of Madagascar Ioly ROBINSON (Madagascar, ARMFA President) |
Performance indicators of road maintenance funds Frédéric BANDON MBOYONG (Benin, ARMFA) |
Relationships between road administrations and road maintenance funds Sylvestre KOTCHOFA (Benin, ARMFA) |
Seminar Proceedings
Seminar Proceedings |
4 December 2008 - Technical visit

Construction sites of highway interchanges to Ouagadougou - Visits led by DGECTI officials, assisted by Pierre Lompo and Ousmane Nacoulma