Road-toll policies applied or planned in Central and Eastern European Countries
Budapest (Hungary), 6-7 May 2009
This international seminar was organized jointly by the PIARC Technical Committee A.3'Road System Economics and Social Development' and'the Coordination Center for Transport Development'
Seminar Proceedings (English, French, Hungarian)
Overview of PIARC missions and activities. Mr. Franck CHARMAISON, Deputy Secretary General, PIARC, France. |
Presentation of PIARC TC A.3. Mr. Alberto COMPTE, Chair of TC A.3, Spain. |
Presentations from Central-Eastern European Countries. Moderator: Mr. Friedrich SCHWARZ-HERDA, TC A.3, BMVIT, Austria. | |
Road Toll Policy Perspectives in Hungary. Mr. Árpád G. SIPOSS, TC A.3, Head of Toll Strategy Bureau, Coordination Center for Transport Development, Hungary. |
The Czech Toll system and its future. Mr. Václav CERNY, Head of Unit Telematics and Road Network Charging, Ministry of Transport, Czech Republic. |
A Case Study: Free Flow EFC Slovenia. Mr. Dean HERENDA, Secretary, Head of Road Tolling and ITS Division, Ministry of Transport, Slovenia. |
Road User Charge in Lithuania. Mr. Donatas DUDONIS, Deputy General Director Lithuanian Road Administration, Lithuania. |
Planning considerations of Budapest's Urban Charging Scheme (by ASSET - Assessing Sensitiveness to Transport). Mr. János MONIGL, Managing Director, Transman Consulting, Hungary. |
Implementation of countrywide EFC Schemes in Europe. Dos and Don'ts derived from a number of EFC Implementation Projects. Mr. Michael BIBARITSCH, CEO, Prime Consulting Services, Austria. |
Green and efficient road charging for lorries: a proposal for a Directive amending the Eurovignette-Directive. Mr. Szabolcs SCHMIDT, Head of Land Transport Policy Unit, European Commission. |
Presentations from Western European Countries. Moderator: Mr. Maurizio ROTONDO, TC A.3, AISCAT, Italia. | |
The Swiss Road Tolling Policy. Mr. Ueli BALMER, Deputy Head, Transport Policy Section, Federal Office for Spatial Development, Switzerland. |
Austrian Road Toll Policy. Dr. Anton SIEBER, Deputy Director, ASFINAG International GmbH, Austria. |
German Case. Mr. Andreas KOSSAK, Andreas Kossak Forschung & Beratung, Germany. |
Introduction Dutch Road Pricing Project: past - present - future. Ms. Monique VAN WORTEL, Senior Policy Advisor, Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, the Netherlands. |
Road Pricing in France/ Pay-per-kilometre Eco-Charge on Heavy Goods Vehicles. Ms. Pascaline COUSIN, TC A.3, SETRA/CSTR, France. |
Where now for road pricing in the UK? Mr. Scott WILSON, Associate, Booz and Company, United Kingdom. |
Round Table. Moderator: Mr. András TIMÁR, former Chair of PIARC C9, Hungary. | |
Mr. Ueli BALMER, Deputy Head, Transport Policy Section, Federal Office for Spatial Development, Switzerland. |
Mr. Martin BOTH, Vice President, Dornier Consulting, Germany. |
Mr. Jan BROUCEK, Unit Telematics and Road Network Charging, Ministry of Transport, Czech Republic. |
Mr. Anton SIEBER, Deputy Director, ASFINAG International GmbH, Austria. |
Other presentations. | |
Toll Elasticity of Foreign Trucks Using Hungarian Roads. Mr. András TIMÁR, former Chair of PIARC C9, Hungary. |
Introducing the e-vignette system. Mr. László VARGA, Hungary. |
Technical Visit

The Delegates had a Technical Visit about the e-vignette user charge system in Hungary. A presentation was given about the related licence plate system and technology. Participants visited the'Customer Service Center' and the'Excess Charge Back Office'.