PIARC Organisation
The Council has the ultimate responsibility for the governance of PIARC. It is composed of delegations from member states, each led by a First Delegate. The Council elects the officers, the Secretary General and the members of the Executive Committee. The Council meets once each year.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee manages the Association by delegation of the Council. It is supported by the Commissions (Finance, Communications, Strategic Planning, Promotion of gender inclusion and diversity) and the General Secretariat.
General Secretariat
The PIARC General Secretariat is located in Paris. It is composed of salaried support staff and staff seconded by various member countries.
It provides a secretarial service for the Council, the Executive Committee and the Commissions and services to the Technical Committees.
The General Secretariat is responsible for the PIARC web site, and for editing of the Routes/Roadsmagazine and PIARC's various publications.
It provides assistance in the planning and preparation of the World Road Congresses and International Winter Road Congresses.
National Committees
There are PIARC National Committees in 50 member countries.
National Committees contribute to the dissemination of PIARC outputs, organize local activities such as meetings, conferences and seminars, and undertake some membership services and administration duties in their own countries.