Road Maintenance
30 September 2004, Montpellier (France)
The PIARC Council held its 2004 meeting in Montpellier at the invitation of Partice Parisé, French First Delegate, and Yves Robichon, Chair of the French National Committee.
The topics proposed and the regional geographic distribution have ensured a good world overview and an interesting debate about road infrastructure.
Country |
Title |
Speaker |
Germany | New importance of road maintenance and of maintenance management in Germany (presentation - text) |
W. Hahn |
Argentina | System C.RE.MA. (Recovery Contracts and Maintenance of Roads) today in Argentina(presentation) |
J.C. Ortiz Andino |
Australia | Bridge management in Australia (presentation - text) |
D. Anderson |
Austria | Assessment of financial investments for the maintenance of the road network (presentation - text) |
F. Zotter |
Congo | The issue of financing road maintenance in Congo (text) |
J.M. Mbaucaud |
USA | Maintenance of road infrastructures. Lessons learned (presentation) |
A. Barkawi |
Finland |
Performance based contracting: toward better customer service (presentation - text) |
E. Karjaluoto |
Japan | Road maintenance emphasizing on communication with road users (presentation) |
T. Nakajima |
Slovakia |
Regionalisation of the road administration and road asset and update of the motorway and expressway programme (presentation) |
P. Barek |
France | Reorganising road maintenance in France |
P. Parisé |
After the debate, Claude Morzier (Switzerland), Chair of C4.1 Management of Road Infrastructure Assets, presented the issues of this Committee and the experiences lived since the inaugural meetings of the Technical Committees in March and April 2004. (presentation)