PIARC Webinar "Renewal and Rejuvenation of Aging Infrastructure"
02 October 2024, online, organised from Paris (France)
The Technical Committee 3.3 "Asset Management" organized a webinar on 02 October 2024, on the topic of renewal and rejuvenation of aging infrastructure. The event brought together 130 road professionals.
Proceedings of the Webinar
Summary of the Webinar
The session was initiated by the Technical Advisor Go Hirochi, followed by an introduction to PIARC from Gerardo Flintsch and an introduction to the webinar by John Paterson. A series of presentations then provided great insight to the audience, starting with Mitja Jurgele who covered issues related to extreme traffic growth in Slovenia, with a key lesson learned related to balancing short term needs with longer term funding. Johannes Dirmeier presented on good practice from Bavaria in the modernisation of rural roads, which not only focused on condition but also a holistic view of safety. Yvonne-Christian Gunreben covered the federal approach to modernisation of bridges in Germany, which highlighted the value of collaboration across PIARC Technical Committees and the challenges of limited capacity of workforce to deliver the scale of work required. Finally, Zahraa Kadri and Pascal Trottier summarised the results from the global survey conducted as part of the working group study, which had a high level of response from across all geographic areas and national income levels.
Webinar video
The latest technical report is available in English language on the PIARC website, with French and Spanish versions to be published very soon. Further work is being carried out on the topic, with three briefing notes scheduled to be released over the course of the 2024-27 cycle. These will cover specific issues of aging infrastructure and potential solutions, making the case for investment in maintenance and renewals, and optimising the delivery of renewal schemes to be more efficient and less disruptive to users. The PIARC working group delivering this work would welcome any potential case studies for consideration. If you or your road administration have any relevant examples of good practice that you would like to put forward, then please contact john.paterson@atkinsrealis.com or johannes.dirmeier@reg-ob.bayern.de. They would especially welcome proposed case studies from Lower and Middle Income Countries.