The World Road Association's 2012 - 2015 work cycle: read the technical reports online!
These reports are the fruits of work carried out by more than 1000 experts during the four-year work cycle. Read the more than 30 technical reports on our website!
After a period of time spent meticulously validating the World Road Association's 2012 - 2015 reports and quality-controlling them, most of them are now available in one or several of the Association's working languages - French, English and Spanish.
The World Road Association publishes a considerable number of technical reports. These are reference documents widely used throughout the road and transport sector. They supplement the Association's other publications, such as Routes/Roads magazine, international conference proceedings, international seminar proceedings and online manuals.
These reports are the fruits of work carried out by more than 1000 experts during the four-year work cycle, whose commitment and professional attitude should be highlighted. They work on the Technical Committees or Task Forces as defined by the Strategic plan which gives structure to the Association's activities, setting out to ensure that the needs and expectations of administrations and road operators and of all other members of the Association are met. Consequently, these reports are a mine of information. They are available to everyone and are an inventory of best international practice in roads and road transport against a background of integrated and sustainable development.
The technical reports for the 2012 - 2015 cycle are available for free - in accordance with the Association's commitment to sharing and disseminating knowledge which underpins everything that it does.
Please note that detailed information on how to access the wealth of the Association's publications is available at
The work currently in progress as part of the new Strategic plan can be found here.