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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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PIARC will gather international experts on climate change adaptation, risk and disaster management for roads and road organizations in Cuba

La Havana (Cuba), 8 - 10 November 2017

The World Road Association (PIARC)'s Technical Committees A.3 "Risk management", E.1 "Adaptation / Resilience Strategies" and E.3 "Catastrophe / Disaster Management", in coordination with the Ministry of Construction of Cuba, organize an International Seminar on "Climate change adaptation, risk and disaster management for roads and road organizations" in Havana (Cuba), from 8th - 10th November 2017.

The main objective of the Seminar is to discuss and analyse results and aspects related to the strategic themes: Management and Finance; Climate Change, Environment and Disasters, issues that are increasingly important within the transport community, facilitating the search for answers to questions on how to mitigate the negative effects and how to adapt the roads to climate change and its variability, as well as other extreme events. Some possible responses are in disciplines such as risk management, disaster management and strategies for adaptation to climate change, which increases the resilience of road infrastructure.

You can register online until November 4th, 2017!

The official language of the seminar will be Spanish with simultaneous translation to English.

For further information and registration: