Editorial - Newsletter December 2017
Patrick Malléjacq, Secretary General
Dear readers,
The preparation of the next World Road Congress, to be held in Abu Dhabi from 6 to 10 October 2019, is on a very good track. This is one of the very positive observations of the "mid-term meeting" organized by the World Road Association (PIARC) in Rome in early December, at the invitation of the Italian National Committee, chaired by Mr. Gianni Armani. PIARC aims to disseminate knowledge on all topics related to road and road transport through the technical reports that are prepared by its 1,200 experts regrouped in 22 Committees. Their work is structured in a four-year work cycle. The current cycle covers the period 2016 - 2019 and this mid-term meeting in the "Eternal City" was intended to prove advice to the Committees, so that the 50 reports that are under development meet expectations and are available at the Congress. The excellence of our experts and the very good progress of their reflections and works was undoubtedly confirmed. The Rome meeting also allowed free discussions on communication tools and valorisation, on the online manuals of the Association, or on the preparation of the next Strategic Plan.
These exchanges are indeed one of the strengths of our Association. While our activities are shaped by the development of online reports and manuals, as the best way to disseminate knowledge and their development, it should be stressed that PIARC is also an international forum for exchange and sharing of practices among peers. They take place on the occasion of our Congresses, numerous meetings that we organize every year, meetings of Committees, seminars, statutory meetings, or informally by email or teleconference. This global network of experts and practitioners is a real asset.
This forum also allows me to remind you of an important deadline: you have until December 31st to benefit from early-bird registration rates at the International Winter Road Congress! With 138 oral presentations in sessions, 170 posters, a ministers' session and a world-class exhibition, the Congress to be held in Gdansk from 20 to 23 February 2018 is a meeting point that practitioners and road experts cannot miss. More information on: http://aipcrgdansk2018.org/registration/
Finally, the whole team of the General Secretariat joins me in wishing you an excellent end of the year 2017 and, in anticipation, a happy year 2018!
Patrick Malléjacq
Secretary General