World Road Association (PIARC) experts share their knowledge around the world
April 2018
In April, PIARC organised International Seminars and Conferences in Lisbon (Portugal), Campeche (Mexico), San Jose (Costa Rica), Madrid (Spain) and Beijing (China) to discuss about, among others, road safety, rehabilitation and bridge technology and the environmental dimension of road projects.
The World Road Association organizes many events throughout the year to promote and share knowledge about road and road transport. With its broad membership base and geographic diversity, PIARC's vision is to "take a leading role in sharing knowledge on policies and practices in an integrated and sustainable transportation context". PIARC is thus recognized for the quality of its productions.
In addition to its Congresses (World Road Congress and International Winter Road Congress), which are held every four years, PIARC brings together international experts on a regular basis in seminars and workshops to help its members to achieve their goals and identify best practices.
International Seminar "Environment Considerations in Road Projects and Operations"
San Jose, Costa Rica, from April 18 to 20, 2018
This seminar organized by the PIARC TC E.2 was structured around two days of presentations, a panel discussion and a day dedicated to a technical visit. Topics included air quality, noise and environmental impacts related to road transport.
- Further information (announcement)
- Proceedings will be published shortly
International Conference on Road Safety: A Commitment to the Present and a Challenge for the Future
Lisbon (Portugal), April 19-20, 2018
International and national experts working on road safety have addressed topics such as the Safe System and road safety policies, as well as the role of infrastructure and future trends in mobility and impact on road safety.
- Further information (announcement)
- Proceedings will be published shortly
Vth International Seminar on Bridges Rehabilitation and Sustainable Technology in Bridges PIARC 2018
Campeche (Mexico), from 19 to 21 April 2018
Organized by the PIARC Technical Committee D.3 (Bridges) and with more than 600 participants, it allowed to discuss topics related to the conservation and rehabilitation of bridges as well as the use of sustainable technologies in engineering and bridge construction.
- Further information (announcement)
- Proceedings will be published shortly
IV International Seminar on Earthworks in Europe
Madrid (Spain), from 19 to 20 April 2018
PIARC TC D.4 with other international experts analyzed topics such as European standardization, sustainability and optimal use of local materials, geotechnical risk analysis, adaptation to climate change and projects and special achievements.
- Further information (announcement)
- Proceedings will be published shortly
International Seminar "Achieving Successful Road Transportation through Effective Management and Organisation"
Beijing (China), April 25-27, 2018
Organized by the Chinese Academy of Transport Sciences (CATS) in cooperation with PIARC TC A.1, this seminar highlighted that transport administrations should be defined not only by the assets that they manage but moreover by the service they provide, needs and expectations of the customer, and how their actions positively impact the quality of life of their customers.
- Further information (announcement)
- Proceedings will be published shortly
Further information:
- Technical Committee A.1 (Performance of Transport Administrations)
- Technical Committee C.1 (National Road Safety Policies and Programs)
- Technical Committee D.3 (Bridges)
- Technical Committee D.4 (Rural Roads and Earthworks)
- Technical Committees E.2 (Environment Considerations in Road Projects and Operations)