PIARC unveils its new identity
6 October 2019, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates)
The World Road Association (PIARC) unveiled its new identity at the opening ceremony of the XXVI World Road Congress held in Abu Dhabi from 6 to 10 October 2019.
A new name and an evolution of the logo
"PIARC" is the new name of the World Road Association. This simple and easy to remember name is used in all languages. It aims to ensure better recognition of our identity in all countries, and to ensure consistency in our communication.
This evolution follows a proposal from the Communication Commission, which was approved by the Executive Committee and the Association's Council.
To accompany this name change, PIARC also presented its new logo in Abu Dhabi.

This is a simple evolution of the previous logo.
If necessary, it may be accompanied by the mention of our historical name, as here with the working languages of the Association.