Answer a survey on aging infrastructure!
21 October 2022
[Deadline extended] Help our Technical Committees in their research by answering a survey about “Renewal and rejuvenation of aging infrastructure”.
Working Group 3 of PIARC Technical Committee 3.3 "Asset Management" launches a survey on the theme of “Renewal and rejuvenation of aging infrastructure”. THE DEADLINE IS EXTENDED TO 4 NOVEMBER 2022.
Parts of the road network in many countries around the world are reaching the end of their working lives. Some of them are easy to reinforce or to replace, but others face more challenges. This is the case of structures, many of them around the world are reaching a point where significant structural or material repair is needed now. Aging infrastructure is a global problem with potentially harmful consequences – innovative approaches are required to address this.
The objective of this survey is to collect information on current practices, and identify common issues and good solutions. Share your opinion by the 4th of November, 2022!
The survey is likely to take around 50 to 60 minutes to complete.