Publications Routes / Roads Design of inter-urban roads
This page lists Routes/Roads articles of PIARC in the field of design of inter-urban roads. These publications are classified chronologically.
General report and pictures of the Congress
General report and pictures of the Congress
Introduction to the XXIVth World Road Congress
Introduction to the XXIVth World Road Congress
Road safety audit: The Australian approach
This paper reports on the Autoroads Road Safety Audit Project, and includes a brief review of road review of road safety audit inn Australasia, the USA, the UK, Auctroads, the Australian national association of road transport and traffic authorities, established a Working Party in mid-1992 to: examine the benefits and costs of a national approach to safety audit and prepare a set of national guidelines on road safety audit.
Impacts of expressway ring roads: Example of the Nagoya Metropolitan Expressway
Impacts of the ring roads in the Nagoya metropolitan area and issues still at stake in the region.
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