Technical Reports Freight transport
This page lists technical reports of PIARC in the field of freight transport. These publications are classified chronologically.
Disaster Management: The Effects And Management Of Covid-19 Whilst Looking To The Future - Briefing Note
No matter what the disaster is, no matter what the pandemic is, we as road administrators must minimize the disaster impacts to our transportation infrastructure. To share the experiences of disaster management amid COVID-19, PIARC TC 1.5 “Disaster Management” of PIARC and TRB AMR00(2) “Transportation Emergency Management Practices and Innovations Subcommittee” organized a joint webinar on June 30, 2021. The webinar invited six speakers from all over the world. All the presenters reported [...]
COVID-19: Survey of Impacts and Responses from the Global Roads and Transport Sector - Briefing Note
In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic took hold across the world, creating massive impacts and challenges for multiple sectors, including roads and transport. PIARC took action rapidly, forming a COVID-19 Response Team and initiating a programme of knowledge-sharing webinars. The Response Team also launched a global questionnaire survey. The intention was to assess how road and transport agencies, operators and other organizations were coping with COVID-19 pandemic and to identify responses and [...]
COVID-19: initial impacts and responses to the pandemic from road and transport agencies - Technical Report
The road transport sector, and the organisations and professionals who manage it, is an essential service and PIARC recognized the potential for COVID-19 to cause severe disruption to the road transport sector early on. In mid-March 2020, PIARC moved to establish a formal PIARC COVID-19 Response Team to explore the rapid sharing of knowledge and practice between PIARC members in terms of pandemic impacts, associated economic and social crisis and the relevant responses. Activities were rapidly launched [...]
COVID-19: Key Lessons for the Road and Transport Community from the Latest PIARC Webinars - Briefing Note
PIARC organizes weekly online discussions on the response to the COVID-19 crisis. They are open to experts appointed by their National PIARC First delegate and to PIARC Technical Committee / Task Force members. The objective of the sessions is to share knowledge and current practice between PIARC members urgently in order to support responses to the pandemic in near real-time.
COVID-19: Key Lessons for the Road Community from the first PIARC Webinars - Briefing Note
PIARC organizes weekly online discussions on the response to the COVID-19 crisis. They are open to experts appointed by their National PIARC First delegate and to PIARC Technical Committee / Task Force members. The objective of the sessions is to share knowledge and current practice between PIARC members urgently in order to support responses to the pandemic in near real-time.