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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Technical Reports Freight transport

This page lists technical reports of PIARC in the field of freight transport. These publications are classified chronologically.

  • Guide to implement freight vehicle transport management

    This guide was prepared as an introduction to road freight transport management (RFTM) in an urban environment and to provide practical information. After a presentation of the objectives of R FTM, the report describes the different stages leading from the establishment of a partnership between the different stakeholders to the selection of measures. It deals also with the implementation of a pilot program and its evaluation. A set of case studies is presented from which lessons are learned. [...]

  • Public sector governance over urban freight transport

    This guide was prepared as an introduction to road freight transport management (RFTM) in an urban environment and to provide practical information. After a presentation of the objectives of R FTM, the report describes the different stages leading from the establishment of a partnership between the different stakeholders to the selection of measures. It deals also with the implementation of a pilot program and its evaluation. A set of seventeen case studies from six countries (Belgium, France, [...]

  • Mitigation of negative impacts of increased movement of freight

    Roads remain the predominant mode of transport for freight in the world. The negative impacts are often stigmatized and the concern for sustainable development requires in particular, promotion of mitigation measures. This report provides an overview of initiatives, research projects and recent technical innovations in the world, in view of mitigating the negative impacts of freight transport. This covers governmental policies, road network management and operations, multi-modality and vehicle engineering. [...]

  • Measures promoting alternatives to the road and intermodal terminals

    La croissance très importante du transport de marchandises par la route rend nécessaire la recherche d'une utilisation optimale des différents modes de transport dans une perspective de développement durable. Ce rapport présente les tendances et problèmes clés dans le transport intermodal. Il examine le rôle et les responsabilités des pouvoirs publics et politiques à l'égard de la promotion du transport intermodal. Il présente un ensemble de mesures gouvernementales prises tant au niveau [...]

  • Freight Modal Split

    The report provides a statistical overview of trends in freight transport concentrating on growth in different modes of freight transport, modal split for freight, average length of haul, and commodities transported. Where possible an attempt has been made to cover both domestic and international freight movements. Trends in freight transport are analysed for two major geographical regions - Europe (including Central Europe), and the North American Free Trade (NAFTA) region which includes Canada, [...]