Publications Routes/Roads Road network operations
This page lists Routes/Roads articles of PIARC in the field of road network operations. These publications are classified chronologically.
Evaluation to make transport "safe, clean and affordable"
This article shows how the World Bank thinks about transport policies and projects.
Transport effects on the creation and circulation of value flows: principles for policy evaluation
The major components of transport systems, i.e. traffic and access infrastructure, rolling stock and operating systems, constitute a set of facilities characterized by a long life cycle and high costs. As a result, capital investment decisions carry with them huge consequences, and it is commonplace to prepare all such decisions by performing beforehand a cost/benefit analysis. A standard method has been gradually developed in order to evaluate infrastructure projects (e.g. see the French circular [...]
Corrosion-induced degradation of reinforced concrete structures: from understanding the phenomena to monitoring the structures
A major challenge in the area of bridge management consists of controlling the structures' lifetime while maintaining serviceability; this responsibility necessitates the right set of tools for comprehending, monitoring and predicting the evolution of their structural condition. Among the asset of civil engineering structures, concrete construction tends to be the most widespread. Controlling the aging of such structures has thus become a major economic consideration. Limited knowledge of degradation [...]
"Young Professionals" Prize
"Young Professionals" Prize
"Best innovation" Prize, Maurice Milne Medal
"Best innovation" Prize, Maurice Milne Medal