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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Technical Reports Road network operations

This page lists technical reports of PIARC in the field of road network operations. These publications are classified chronologically.

  • ITS Manual - 2nd edition

    Following the success of the ITS Handbook 2000, the PIARC Technical Committee on Network Operations has completed a new and extended edition. This new edition takes into account the experience gained over the last years; it provides information about the status of implementation of ITS technologies in 33 countries and presents 39 detailed case studies. The Handbook is an essential guide for transport professionals and others who are interested in exploiting the potential of these new technologies [...]

  • Measures promoting alternatives to the road and intermodal terminals

    La croissance très importante du transport de marchandises par la route rend nécessaire la recherche d'une utilisation optimale des différents modes de transport dans une perspective de développement durable. Ce rapport présente les tendances et problèmes clés dans le transport intermodal. Il examine le rôle et les responsabilités des pouvoirs publics et politiques à l'égard de la promotion du transport intermodal. Il présente un ensemble de mesures gouvernementales prises tant au niveau [...]

  • Good Practice for the Operation and Maintenance of Road Tunnels

    This report complements the report entitled "Reduction of operational cost of road tunnels" which was presented and published at the Kuala Lumpur Congress in 1999. Various aspects of the management and operation of tunnels are considered. A method for providing continuity of management of safety, throughout the life of a tunnel, is described together with issues requiring consideration. The components and value of a Tunnel Management System (TMS) for the operation and maintenance of a tunnel are [...]

  • Road Network Operations Handbook

    Historically, road authorities responded to increasing demand by adding capacity, building new roads or expanding the existing ones. With the high costs and constraints on building conventional infrastructure, maximising the effectiveness of existing systems, including capitalising on new technologies such as Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), has become, for many authorities, a new focus. This handbook focuses on the soft engineering approaches and tools available to the network operator [...]

  • Optimizing the Existing Interurban Road Network

    As part of the PIARC 2000-2003 work program, the Committee on Interurban Roads (C4) decided to discuss and investigate the links between the various measures available for optimising the existing interurban road network. The objective of the group is to establish the measures which work best to improve mobility, increase safety and reduce congestion on interurban roads. A questionnaire was distributed to the members and others to collect information and evaluate the available experience of the [...]