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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Technical Reports Road network operations

This page lists technical reports of PIARC in the field of road network operations. These publications are classified chronologically.

  • Cooperative Vehicle Highway Systems

    We can consider that the most recent developments of the vehicles are: the massive deployment of sensors, actuators and computers allowing to develop a kind of "vehicle and transport system intelligence"; their ability to communicate among themselves or with the infrastructure through the concept of cooperative systems; the introduction of electric motor combined or not with thermal motor: hybrid vehicles or full electric vehicles. All these changes are beneficial for both the car manufacturers, [...]

  • Uses of ITS including consideration of planning for future improvements, upgrades and the economy

    Economic growth typically results in an increase of both freight and passenger traffic. This generally compounds the problems in transportation systems. ITS technologies have been widely used to mitigate many of these transportation challenges and will continue to play an increasingly important role in securing the future of sustainable mobility. Sections 1 and 2 of this report deal with the primary factors that contribute to a sustainable transportation system. It also explores the ITS services [...]

  • Promoting sustainable maintenance of rural roads networks

    Rural roads are roads or improved trails whose main role is to ensure local exchanges, providing access to rural areas and access to the national or regional primary road network or to the interconnected network. Rural roads are key to development and economic growth of countries and provide considerable social benefits. Inadequate maintenance of rural roads results in reduced mobility; increased vehicle operating costs; increased number of accidents; increased death toll and related consequences; [...]

  • Assessment of budgetary needs and optimisation of maintenance strategies for multiple assets of road network

    Good road infrastructure is a fundamental basis on which to build a strong economy and society. As the ability to conduct proper maintenance is largely influenced by the available budget, budget definition is an important starting point in realising the overall goal. Based on a comprehensive investigation in the form of interviews with public road administrations and private sector concessionaires, a large quantity of information on good practice in budgetary assessment and optimisation of maintenance [...]

  • Security of road infrastructure

    This paper is addressing threats directed to the infrastructure. A correct understanding and a suitable handling of the security of road infrastructure is not only important to safeguard the infrastructure itself, but is also relevant to cover the protection of the social and economic values, the protection of the environment, and even the security of other transportation modes. The objective of the paper is to: provide an overview of the range of security threats and issues that may affect [...]