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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Publications Routes/Roads Urban Mobility

This page lists Routes/Roads articles of PIARC in the field of urban mobility. These publications are classified chronologically.

  • Road transport and disabled people

    This article points out that the road environment today is more often than not insufficiently adapted to the needs of disabled people and claims for measures to be taken, in close cooperation with accessibility experts, in order to ensure that everybody, including disabled people, can benefit from a safe and accessible road transport environment.

  • Non-motorised trips, sustainable yet vulnerable!

    This article deals solely with non-motorised means of transport (going by foot, cycling, rollerblading, etc) generally known under the terms "slow", "active", "non-polluting" or "green".

  • Reduce height urban tunnels geometric desing

    This paper describes varoius aspects of the long reduced-height road tunnels that are being used in France to reduce traffic congestion in major courbations. These tunnels are typical between 500m and 10 km long. Reasons for using type of tunnels include: the very high proportion of low vechiles in urban traffic, their technically easier construction, due to their smaller cross section, the acceptability of steeper grandients than for tunnels carrying heavy vechiles, their good traffic flow conditiond [...]

  • Road safety in residential areas, the dutch experiences

    This article describes the expercience in the Netherlands in tackling a problem, which is relevant fo all countries - hw to cope with increasing numbers of vechiles in often congested residential areas without damaging road safety.

  • Parking supply standards using a "Matrix" approach: analysis of its potential and applicability

    Description of methodologies contributing to more sustainable urban developments through the reduction or control of urban motorized traffic growth, and the increased use of more efficient transportation modes.