Publications Routes/Roads Urban Mobility
This page lists Routes/Roads articles of PIARC in the field of urban mobility. These publications are classified chronologically.
Regional transport and urban design concept of Greater Berne as a trigger
This article describes a good example of a coordinated planning: the Regional transport and Urban Design Concept of the greater Berne.
Cycling and pedestrian policies in cities and metropolitan areas worldwide
This article makes a state of the art of cycling and pedestrian policies in cities and metropolitan areas worldwide.
Greenhouse gas abatement potential in the Australian transport sector
The article presents recent efforts to identify options that could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Australia's transport sector; determine the potential magnitude of emission reductions for each option, both individually and cumulatively; examine challenges to achieving the options' full potential; and investigate any uncertainties, especially concerning their likely effectiveness.
Impacts from truck traffic on road infrastructure
This article explores the impact of heavy vehicles in terms of the impact on road pavements (rutting and asphalt pavement wear) and structures. It concludes that the future challenge is reconciling the optimisation of road freight transport with an optimised road facility management strategy.
Evolution in size and weight of commercial freight vehicles
This article describes some recent worldwide experience in relation to larger and heavier freight vehicles, and notes some of the challenges and pressures on policy makers.