Technical Reports Urban Mobility
This page lists technical reports of PIARC in the field of urban mobility. These publications are classified chronologically.
Sustainable Multimodality in Urban Regions - Technical Report
Globalization and specialization have enabled cities to flourish and have led to the concentration of activities and populations, resulting in an increase in urban transport needs and a scarcity of public space. In these urban areas characterized by high population and employment densities, congestion of transport systems is the rule and the sharing of public space is a necessity. Moreover, in a context of scarce public finances, new developments were becoming increasingly difficult to implement, [...]
Low Cost ITS - Technical Report
The Low Cost ITS concept was introduced for the first time during PIARC 2012-2015 cycle. The concept described ITS services that were attractive to resource limited or Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). This was possible because of the recent emergence of inexpensive technological solutions including information systems based on the collection of probe vehicle data or information harvesting from social networks-based software applications. However, the concept was not formally defined. Upon [...]
Key issues for improving mobility strategies in large urban areas
During the period 2012 - 2015, Technical Committee 2.2 collected and evaluated case studies on urban mobility from numerous large and medium-sized cities from all over the world. Three issues were evaluated in these case studies: a comparison of strategies for sustainable urban mobility, at a mobility plan level. the design of transport infrastructure for multimodality in urban areas. te promotion of walking and cycling. In regard to the first issue, the objective was to find out how [...]
Framework for Citywide Road Freight Transport Management
The report entitled "Framework for citywide road freight transport management" of WG1, TC2.3 "Freight Transport" describes the research and findings about the frameworks for public sector road freight transport management (RFTM). RFTM is a key contributor to the sustainable development of urban areas, since good freight transport management supports the creation of efficient and environmentally friendly freight transport systems. The framework of RFTM is characterised by legal, institutional and [...]
Strategies for balancing urban transport to improve mobility and reduce road congestion
This report reviews the factors having a main impact on the supply and demand for road capacity, before it considers the strategies which allow to address congestion and improve mobility of persons in urban areas. From different case studies, the report reviews nine strategies: promoting public transportation; promoting bicycle transportation; promoting pedestrian transportation; promoting intermodal transportation; influencing car demand; strategy to improve the utilisation and [...]