Publications Routes/Roads Road pavements
This page lists Routes/Roads articles of PIARC in the field of road pavements. These publications are classified chronologically.
Nanotechnology solutions for road infrastructure
Nanotechnology has been a rich field of research that has already brought to reality interesting new performances for different disciplines including road technology and construction materials, thereby leading to new levels of performances [...]
Advances in bituminous binder characterization - The way forward to better engineered binders
Bitumens have been extensively used for years in road paving, so much that they are part of the scenery and are perceived as standard engineering materials. But are they? [...]
Contributions from the field of aerodynamics to the design of very large bridges
The capacity of wind to damage, and even destroy, civil engineering structures has been recorded since ancient times. This paper will briefly discuss the advances in knowledge and tools for identifying the wind-induced load effects and, consequently, for designing bridges. Following a recap of some key historical events, the article will introduce the physical and numerical modeling tools at the designer's disposal [...]
The next generation of roads in France and in Germany
Road infrastructures are facing huge challenges: An increase in maintenance requirement, a rapid increase in transport demand particularly for freight traffic as well as the reduction of the emissions from traffic. Furthermore, they also have to face more extreme weather events due to climate change and the future shortage of so far inexpensive natural construction materials or materials based on fossil fuels. In order to master these challenges, highly innovative and application-oriented research [...]
"Young Professionals" Prize
"Young Professionals" Prize