Publications Routes/Roads Road pavements
This page lists Routes/Roads articles of PIARC in the field of road pavements. These publications are classified chronologically.
Introducing PIARC Prizes
Introducing PIARC Prizes
General report and pictures of the Congress
General report and pictures of the Congress
Introduction to the XXIVth World Road Congress
Introduction to the XXIVth World Road Congress
Leading roads to carbon neutrality
This article describes the International Road Federation (IRF) research program intended to provide corporations, government and road industry professionals with a decision-making calculator tool specifically devoted to reducing emissions from Greenhouse Gases (GG).
Corporate social responsibility and the road sector: the background
Following the introduction of concepts such as sustainable development, the first Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports appeared during the 1970's and 80's. However, initial research based on published material indicates that take-up is still relatively low in the road sector. Some private companies implement environmental and CSR policies, but only a few public organisations follow them on this path. The increasing role of CSR has been recognised by PIARC. A sub-group of PIARC's Sustainable [...]