Publications Routes/Roads Road pavements
This page lists Routes/Roads articles of PIARC in the field of road pavements. These publications are classified chronologically.
International experiment to compare and to harmonize pavement texture and skid resistance measurement methods
This paper summaries the results of an International Experiment to compare and harmonise methodes of measuring pavement texture and skid resistance. This work was initiated in 1988 by the PIARC Technical Committee on Surface Characteristics (Committee C1). The tests were conducted in September and October 1992. 54 sites, having concrete surface with a wide variety of different characteristics, were selected between four main types of device, and evalutes the repeatability of the measurements. It [...]
Use of PIARC test tyres for the characterisation of skid resistance
Recall of the origin of the PIARC test tyres, presentation of the usage procedures followed in different countries and presentation of PIARC latest recommendations.
The stabilization of unsurfaced roads using bischofite in the Atacama region
Summary of the constructional principles and other technical aspects to be considered for successful application of stabilization works using magnesium chloride, as well as its economic benefits and constraints.
Use of reclaimed asphalt in road bases of low volume roads
The article deals with the Austrian experience in reclaiming asphalt concrete in road bases.
Full-depth reclamation of pavement in Québec
Description of the three FDR processes used In Québec.