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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Technical Reports Road pavements

This page lists technical reports of PIARC in the field of Road pavements. These publications are classified chronologically.


    Minimum Equipment Required CD-ROUTE can be used on PC (386 at least, Windows 3.1, 95 & NT) and Macintosh® (68020 at least), Power Mac®, Mac OS version 7. Minimum equipment required: 16 Mo RAM, a hard disk and a 14'' colour screen (256 colours or more). The program is very easy to install. For more details on CD-ROUTE: AIPCR/PIARC Tel : +33 1 47 96 81 21 Fax : +33 1 49 00 02 02 E-mail : info@piarc.org

  • Modelling Road User and Environmental Effects in HDM-4

    This document is the seventh volume in the series of seven volumes of HDM-4 documentation. It covers modelling road user and environmental effects (RUEE). The report presents an overview of how they are introduced in studies and describes representative vehicles. The second section deals with road user effects. It provides details on the various components of these effects: Forces opposing motion; Free speeds; Effects of volume on traffic flow; Fuel consumption; Tyre consumption; Maintenance [...]

  • Modelling Road Deterioration and Works Effects in HDM-4

    This document is the sixth volume in the series of seven volumes of HDM-4 documentation. It gives a detailed description of the road deterioration and works effects (RDWE) models currently in HDM-4 and provides some background to their development, particularly from HDM-III to HDM-4. Also included are possible enhancements to some of the models currently in HDM-4. In addition, other deterioration models are presented in this document for consideration in future versions. The general concepts and [...]

  • Impacts of road construction and maintenance activities on road users and the adjacent land use

    This technical report synthesizes information on techniques to reduce the impact of road construction, rehabilitation and maintenance activities on road users (driving public and construction workers) and the adjacent land use (homeowners, businesses, etc.). The study included a survey to collect agency information and to summarize and draw conclusions on the impact of road construction and maintenance activities on road users (driving public and construction workers) and the surrounding land [...]

  • Automated Pavement Cracking Assessment Equipment - State of the Art

    The type, scope (length) and severity (opening) of cracks in the pavement are essential for road network managers. This information is used to qualify the condition of the pavement and identify the source of surface deterioration. Despite the fact that many highway companies and authorities have invested time and money in designing systems that can automatically report and analyse this type of information, data collection is still primarily done manually throughout the world.