Publications Routes/Roads Financing of Road System
This page lists Routes/Roads articles of PIARC in the field of Financing of Road System. These publications are classified chronologically.
Reforma para nivelar las asignaciones financieras y la asignación de tareas: consecuencias para la oficina federal de carreteras (OFROU)
Suiza es un país fuertemente federal dividido en 26 cantones soberanos. Desde su fundación en 1291 ha tenido una larga tradición de poder descentralizado. La constitución federal actual se basa en la de 1848, la fundación del estado federal contemporáneo. Con los años, este federalismo ha perdido su vigor. La Confederación, al realizar múltiples actividades, restringió la libertad de acción de los cantones. Las tareas a veces se duplicaban, las habilidades se confundían. Por tanto, [...]
Public works concessions for the maintenance and operations of highways in Spain
This article describes the restoration of highways in Spain. Two groups are identified: first-time construction, including new building, alignment modifications, layout of interchanges, straightening of curves, extension of frontage roads, installation of flyovers, etc.; and maintenance tasks, encompassing extraordinary interventions on other highway sections.
Reforms in financing road maintenance in Tanzania: achievements, challenges and strategies
Status report following 15 years of institutional reforms within Sub-Saharan road administrations Beginning in the 1970's, most African countries were experiencing economic and financial hardship faced with extremely tight cash flow situations. These difficulties led to a slowing of capital investment flows into the transportation sector and a reduction in annual budgets allocated to the road network. The magnitude of these difficulties incited reflection on the types of structural adjustments [...]
The situation in Togo
Status report following 15 years of institutional reforms within Sub-Saharan road administrations Beginning in the 1970's, most African countries were experiencing economic and financial hardship faced with extremely tight cash flow situations. These difficulties led to a slowing of capital investment flows into the transportation sector and a reduction in annual budgets allocated to the road network. The magnitude of these difficulties incited reflection on the types of structural adjustments [...]
The situation in Chad
Status report following 15 years of institutional reforms within Sub-Saharan road administrations Beginning in the 1970's, most African countries were experiencing economic and financial hardship faced with extremely tight cash flow situations. These difficulties led to a slowing of capital investment flows into the transportation sector and a reduction in annual budgets allocated to the road network. The magnitude of these difficulties incited reflection on the types of structural adjustments [...]