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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Technical Reports Risk management

This page lists technical reports of PIARC in the field of risk management. These publications are classified chronologically.

  • Risk Management for Emergency Situations

    Road transport is critical to the economic vitality of a country. An effective management of emergency situations for combined and large hazards that may disrupt road operation requires cooperation and coordination among several parties of the road and non-road sector including government agencies, the private sector, rescue services and road users. Preparedness, response and recovery constitute the three major phases of emergency situation planning and action. Consultation and appropriate communication [...]

  • Methodologies and tools for risk assessment and management applied to road operations

    This report deals with methodologies and tools for risk assessment and management applied to road operations including managing risks in relation to the climate change. Chapter 1 of this report starts with a classification of methodologies for risk management of road infrastructure. Particular attention is paid to methodologies that can be applied on object level and those at the strategic level. Pre-existing risk management methodologies are presented as examples on the basis of risk matrices [...]

  • Role of risk-assessment in policy development and decision-making

    In the context of its 2012 - 2015 work program, PIARC has identified the Role of risk assessment in policy development and decision-making as one of its key issue under the theme TC 1.5 Risk management. This report thus provides a portrait of both the present penetration of risk management policies across countries that were surveyed as well as a snapshot of some of the most advanced risk management policies and practices in the world. The main conclusion from the survey is that although most [...]

  • Risk-based management of the bridge stock

    In the past, the Technical Committee 4.3 Road bridges reviewed the bridge management systems implemented in several countries and advised a revision of the management of bridges based on risks (Management of bridge stock 2011 - report ISBN 2-84060-238-5). This report aims to provide some answers with respect to risk-based management for bridges. It discusses the integration of risk-based analyses into the bridge management systems of several countries and gives examples of formal methods of [...]

  • International climate change adaptation framework for road infrastructure

    Actions undertaken to mitigate the negative effects of climate change on road networks have varied from one country to another. They include legal, regulatory and institutional measures; promoting other transport modes; introducing new, green technologies; undertaking permanent supervision of embankments and slopes to reduce risks of collapse, accidents and interruptions of service, as well as developing new methodologies and analytical tools to identify, assess and mitigate risks and thus reduce [...]