Publications Routes/Roads policies
This page lists Routes/Roads articles of PIARC in the field of road policies. These publications are classified chronologically.
Public works concessions for the maintenance and operations of highways in Spain
This article describes the restoration of highways in Spain. Two groups are identified: first-time construction, including new building, alignment modifications, layout of interchanges, straightening of curves, extension of frontage roads, installation of flyovers, etc.; and maintenance tasks, encompassing extraordinary interventions on other highway sections.
Transportation and climate change: potential implications for California's transportation system
This paper provides a review of some current and potential state greenhouse gas mitigation activities within the transportation sector - looking toward less carbon intensive economy in the future.
Road transport and disabled people
This article points out that the road environment today is more often than not insufficiently adapted to the needs of disabled people and claims for measures to be taken, in close cooperation with accessibility experts, in order to ensure that everybody, including disabled people, can benefit from a safe and accessible road transport environment.
Non-motorised trips, sustainable yet vulnerable!
This article deals solely with non-motorised means of transport (going by foot, cycling, rollerblading, etc) generally known under the terms "slow", "active", "non-polluting" or "green".
Road safety and automatic enforcement in France: results and outlook
Automated enforcement is a promising means of improving road safety. For 15 months, France has been implementing an important programme involving 1000 radars by the end of this year. This article describes the technical and organisational aspects of this programme and shows that the first results are encouraging and show promise for what is to come.