Publications Routes/Roads policies
This page lists Routes/Roads articles of PIARC in the field of road policies. These publications are classified chronologically.
Social impacts of road projects and road pricing effects. Key findings
This article describes the results of an extensive report featuring road pricing schemes descriptions from over 20 countries as well as evaluations of their impacts from many of these countries.
Introductory article: new developments in the evaluation of road projects
The papers in this volume give a good insight of the broad range of tasks to be addressed by the scientific community and the responsible persons in charge in the road administrations.
A new scheme for evaluating road projects by considering their effects after disasters - A challenge for Japan just after the great earthquake of March 2011
In March 2011 an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 hit the northeastern area of Japan. This was the world's fourth largest earthquake since 1900.
Assessing the economic and tax-revenue effects of the construction of the S 8 Marchfeld expressway in Austria
This article presents a novel approach to assessing the economic and tax-revenue effects of the construction and operation of new or improved traffic infrastructure and applies this approach to a very important planned road infrastructure project by ASFINAG, the S 8 Marchfeld expressway, linking the two capitals Vienna (Austria) and Bratislava (Slovakia).
Transport effects on the creation and circulation of value flows: principles for policy evaluation
The major components of transport systems, i.e. traffic and access infrastructure, rolling stock and operating systems, constitute a set of facilities characterized by a long life cycle and high costs. As a result, capital investment decisions carry with them huge consequences, and it is commonplace to prepare all such decisions by performing beforehand a cost/benefit analysis. A standard method has been gradually developed in order to evaluate infrastructure projects (e.g. see the French circular [...]