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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Technical Reports Road policies

This page lists technical reports of PIARC in the field of road policies. These publications are classified chronologically.

  • Electric Road Systems - Collection of Case Studies

    The collection of case studies report on electric road systems (ERS) provides an overview of the activities of PIARC Task Force 2.2 to date. This includes an overview of the tasks and activities of the Task Force as well as the progress made to date in terms of collection and review of literature, collection of case studies, survey questionnaire development and workshops. The report ends with a brief conclusion regarding the progress to date and information regarding the immediate next steps that [...]

  • Diversity and Talent Management in Transport Administrations – The Road to Success? - Litterature Review

    The World Road Association (PIARC) tasked the Technical Committee 1.1 (Performance of Transport Administrations) to analyze effective approaches for defining and promoting Diversity in opportunity across the roads and transportation sectors, and for attracting new talents into the transport industry and in particular Transport Administrations and Road Owners and Operators. Within the frame of this task, Working Group 3 (Organisation of Staff and Human Resources) is working with the objective to [...]

  • How Countries Undertake Well-Prepared Projects: A Review on Ten Countries - Litterature Review

    It is well acknowledged that good project preparation tends to deliver better outcomes (benefits) as well as providing good project management performance (with respect to budget, delays and quality). This report presents processes put in place in 10 countries to deliver well-prepared transport projects. This literature review is the first task force deliverable, and it aims to identify good practices found in countries of different income levels and moreover of different cultures. All ten members [...]

  • Principles for Cooperation and Collaboration between National and Local Road Agencies - Technical Report

    This report analyses general areas of cooperation amongst road authorities at the various levels and the various institutional tools utilised to ensure integration. The need for cooperation between national, federal, provincial, state, local and municipal road agencies is becoming more pronounced. Noting that depending on the specific country one can find State Departments of Transportation, Ministries, transport agencies, metropolitan planning organisations, federal administrations, provincial [...]

  • Best Practice Guide to Air Quality in Relation to Road Operations - Technical Report

    Air pollution linked to road transport has received significant political, media and public attention since the mid 2010s. However, despite improvements in vehicle efficiencies over past decades, emissions from vehicles still contribute significantly to concentrations of air pollutants above standards in many cities around the world. The European Environmental Agency noted that:  Road transport remains an important source of some of the most harmful air pollutants. In particular, road transport [...]