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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Technical Reports Road assets management

This page lists technical reports of PIARC in the field of road assets management. These publications are classified chronologically.

  • Asset Management for Roads - An Overview

    A very great deal of work has been done in recent years in developing the Asset Management concept.At the forefront have been OECD, PIARC, and road administrations in the United States, Finland and Australasia. The purpose of this report is threefold: a) to briefly summarise what Asset Management means; b) to summarise what progress is being made around the world in implementing such arrangements; and c) to focus on some specific aspects of Asset Management which we hope might assist those still [...]

  • Towards Performance Management of Bridges (and other Structures)

    The aim of this report is to discuss about the introduction of economical criteria in bridge management, in addition to usual technical criteria. It comprises two parts: Part 1: a presentation of actual practices in PIARC Committee 11 Member countries in the field of bridge management, based on the results of survey, Part 2: an analysis and reflection towards an improved management of bridges taking in account whole life costing and user's cost.

  • Indicators for Bridge Performance and Prioritization of Bridge Actions

    Bridge management systems have been developed by many countries to serve as a tool to track inventory data and analyze maintenance and improvement needs for existing bridges. It has been previously identified in the 1996 C11 Committee report entitled Towards an Indicator of the Health Conditions of Bridges (PIARC Reference 11.05.B) that bridge management systems need to be used more widely in respect to environmental preservation and replacement planning. The present report investigates the current [...]

  • Comparison Study on Bridge Management Activities

    C11 has made a study which presents and compares the performance of activities, such as inventory and inspections, in different countries or regions. The survey studied the following activities: characteristics of structures, inventory, inspections, priority ranking of works, carrying out of operation, preventive maintenance or repair works, management of heavy transport, skill and training, measurement of user satisfaction, measurement of personnel satisfaction, , research and development programs. [...]

  • Planning and Programming of Maintenance Budgets

    Maintenance is essential to prevent the deterioration of asset value and ensure user safety. However, the budgets allocated for maintenance are often considered insufficient to keep the infrastructure at optimum levels. The reasons for this funding shortfall can be a lack of means within the road administration, but it can also be due to the poor justification of need to decision-makers. PIARC Committee C6 was asked to analyse, from a practical point of view, the options open to road administrations [...]